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The SouthsideCentral Fund Drive

I’m going to put this article back up because some people have recently asked me “How can I help SouthsideCentral out?”

This is not a shameless money beg from people that have already contributed to SouthsideCentral. I just want readers to know that I appreciate them stopping by every day. SouthsideCentral is surviving and it’s a small business now. I couldn’t do it without your support and encouragement. If you’d like to promote your business, SouthsideCentral has extremely low advertising rates and I’d be glad to talk to you about getting the word out for you.

Thanks, folks. Your support means a lot.

It’s not easy to keep a full-time effort going to keep SouthsideCentral at full speed. It’s also not easy to ask for help.

SouthsideCentral is the leading personally-owned website in the Southside Virginia region. We fuse news and opinion together with some humor and do our best to keep you informed with things that other local media can’t or won’t do.

Over the last year, I’ve devoted my efforts to the website and it’s paid off. We went from an average of 4000 hits per month to over 40000 per month and the trend is continuing to increase. I believe that’s because there’s a need for the content that I put together.

Sadly, it costs money to produce content and pay for the equipment needed to do what I’ve been doing… and that’s why I’m asking for some help from people who find the website to be enjoyable. If you like what you see, I’m asking you to donate something to help me keep it going. I’m not asking for much. One dollar here, three dollars there, ten dollars from anywhere. Anything will help me to keep my full-time efforts going. If you don’t want to give anything, that’s perfectly fine with me… but I’m just asking for some help if you’re willing.

It wasn’t easy for me to put this fundraising campaign together, but times are tough now. I had to swallow my pride. If you choose to make a gift, I will sincerely thank you. Here’s how it works. I’m using to make it easy. If you want to help out, go to

GoFundMe doesn’t charge you any fees to make a donation/gift. Between GofundMe and their payment processor, they charge 7.9% + $0.30 on my end. If you’d like to contact me directly or have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at or on my personal Facebook page. You can also find SouthsideCentral on Facebook at

If you’d like to advertise your business on SouthsideCentral, feel free to contact me too. Our advertisers and friends can personally tell you how well the small cost has paid off for them. I’ll be glad to sit down with you and develop an advertising campaign that will easily fit your budget and bring you new customers.

Thank you for your time.


Bruce Hedrick

1 comment to The SouthsideCentral Fund Drive

  • Bob

    Bruce… We need to have a stop and drop.. Put out that your going to be somewhere for a couple hours, stop by get lunch and make a donation. Like a meet the creator thing! Be careful though, Leonard might be there taking pictures calling it a clan meeting!!

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