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Today’s Rumor Control Adventure-O-Fun

The Danville Public School system did not remove plaques with American flags and “In God We Trust” from Forest Hills School to not offend Muslim students.

If I’m going to spend two hours destroying a stupid rumor, I’m going to turn it into a SouthsideCentral article.

So, my morning started with a request to factcheck this…

Hoo boy. Needless to say, I smelled horsecrap from the beginning. But hey, people come to me (and SouthsideCentral) for factchecking and I love to destroy stupid things like this. So, I immediately get in contact with the source that’s going to know everything… Danville school superintendent Dr. Stan Jones. I leave a message for him, he checks the story out and within 90 minutes, I get a call from him with the truth.

The Truth: In the annual cleaning process, three of the American flag plaques were noticed as looking somewhat worn. The principal of the school took only those three plaques down and they will be replaced by the start of the school year. This had nothing to do with any political correctness or anti-Christian agenda.

But sadly before I was able to find out the truth, the rumors and ridiculous comments had already started. It’s time for a special “The Big Board Of Shame” to show you how people will immediately believe that stories like this are true and then make ridiculous comments.

As I often say… “I can’t make this stuff up, folks.” I wrapped up my report with this comment…

In case you’re wondering why my remark is in grey, it seems that one of the group’s moderators decided to delete the entire thread. Honestly, I can’t blame them.

The thread has magically reappeared. Heh.

It’s gone again. Oh well.

Sometimes, I just don’t get how some people are stupid enough to immediately believe things like this. I’m also saddened at the mindset of those people as it shows in their comments.





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