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RandomThoughts! (7/4/15)

Maybe I should call these IndependentThoughts? Since it’s July 4th? Independence Day? Get it? Fine. RandomThoughts it is.

Let’s haul out a Big Board for this…

  • I’m already tired of the Confederate flag issue. Of course. that means lots of fun and snarky comments at the upcoming Danville City Council meetings.
  • I saw that the Tank Museum was doing a special promotion for a “Family Day” on July 4th. Finally, I was believing that they Get It when it comes to marketing. Then I saw that they were keeping the admission at $12 for adults & $10 for children 5 years and older. Facepalm. That’s not “fun” for the average family.
  • I paid absolutely zero attention to the Virginia Cantaloupe Festival in Halifax County this year.
  • Things like the North Star Theatre Project, Mimi Grubb, and all of the adults & kids who put on “The Lion King Jr.” help restore my faith in Southside humanity.
  • The Danville Symphony Orchestra is a hidden treasure.
  • Danville’s Stinky Water Problem (Round #3) came and left rather quickly this time, didn’t it?
  • It’s been almost two years since a “random” home invasion at the house of the defunct “The Happy Oyster on Main”‘s owner in South Boston. There’s been no word on that investigation in well over one year. I’m sure it was just a “random” crime. Nothing to see here. Right.

It’s a holiday. That’s enough RandomThoughts! for today. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

4 comments to RandomThoughts! (7/4/15)

  • Gracie

    U mean there was a Cantaloupe Festival this year. For the tank museum that is the problem. the cost. If they would do more special promotions more people would come but for goodness sakes lower the prices. U failed to mention that we are not having no big names coming to Danville for the Harvest Jubilee Concert Series this year. Maybe you need to do some digging on that. Or did i miss something. I know i am an oldies type person.

  • Dara Johnson

    Thank u for the kind words about the North Star Theatre Project. Mimi and the actors work really hard. They all enjoy giving the audience a great show.

  • Thanks for the shout out to Danville Symphony Orchestra. DSO is one of those things that makes our community wonderful.

  • trevor

    good water or bad water–issue resolved or not. I aint drinking it. i refuse to fill ice trays with it.

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