SouthsideCentral was LIVE! at the Danville Regional Airport for today’s Regional Industrial Facilities Authority meeting. This article is now complete.
There’s not much on today’s agenda. We’ll have the monthly financial statement report, approval of the coming fiscal year’s budget and we’ll wrap up with a presentation from Michael Freeman. He’s the Project Development Manager from Branch Highways, Inc.
We don’t even have a closed session for today so this meeting should be finished quickly.

Michael Freeman sets up his equipment for his presentation while everybody eats lunch.

Lunch continues. Deputy City Manager Ken Larking sits in for vacationing Joe King.

The man, the legend. Telly Tucker.

The business part of the meeting starts.
We’re underway. Nobody from the public here, so no public comment section. Finance reports and the new budget are approved.

Micheal Freeman talks about some of his company’s projects.
Michael Freeman is making his presentation now. His company does things from highway construction to flattening out industrial parks to get them ready to build. His presentation shows projects that his company has worked on.

This is the view from the end of the table… or the Telly Tucker’s Head Cam.

Everybody is paying attention to the speaker… mostly.
Telly Tucker reminds everybody that the Tobacco Commission gave out a grant to complete the water lines to the MegaPark but it wasn’t on the agenda to be formally accepted this month because the name on the grant proposal wasn’t correct. He said that will be fixed and the board can accept it at the August meeting.
And that’s the end of the meeting. There’s no need for a separate BreakDown article since this one is so short, so let’s figure out what really happened.
The guy from Branch Highways didn’t just all of a sudden decide to show up and make a presentation. When the guys from Dewberry are at a meeting like this and they’ve got nothing on the agenda, you have to believe that they’re looking to possibly recommend Branch Highways as the company to be the one that grades off the first development area of the MegaPark. I asked Michael Freeman if he was hoping that Branch Highways would be that company, and he said “Absolutely.” Watch for this to come up when the first site development permits finally get issued.
And there you go, folks. Thanks for reading the most detailed coverage of this meeting… here on SouthsideCentral!
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