(Editor’s Note: This article was supposed to have automatically publish a month ago, but something went wrong with the process. We’re publishing it now so that you can see the beautiful photos.)
Let’s wrap up this PhotoCentral set of articles about June’s Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce‘s Business After Hours. Supply Resources, Inc. was June’s host and we got to see their beautiful renovations of the old Piedmont Hardware building.
We’ve already published Part #1 and Part #2, so let’s finish up our tour here.
We’ll start where we left off…

Here’s an interesting piece of furniture in the lobby.

The Chamber’s Antonio Logan & Laurie Moran are manning the registration desk.

The bar is stocked and ready to go.

Rick Barker was sick, so his wife Kristin filled in. Here, she’s telling us all about Supply Resources.

Let’s draw for the door prize!

Kristin Barker, Laurie Moran, and tonight’s winner Rachael Sanford.

The attention to detail is amazing here. Notice the recessed floor lights.

You’ve never believe the beautiful construction on the inside if you just looked at the outside of the building.
And there you have it folks. Finally, at least. The next Business After Hours is on Thursday, August 6th at The Launch lace. We’ll see you there!
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