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Danville School Board – LIVE! (8/20/15)

We’re LIVE! at the Danville Public Schools central office for tonight’s Danville School Board meeting. This article is now complete.

We’ll also be swinging by Music on Main at the Main St. Plaza and then head to Texas Steakhouse & Saloon where Matt Crowder is tonight’s “Tunes at the Saloon” musical guest from 6 to 9 PM. Click on the Texas Steakhouse banner above to get a coupon for a free appetizer with your meal.

Let’s get this night started!

It’s Up Close & Personal Night! Sorry, Lisa Powell. There’s not enough room for you at the tables.

Lori Cassada does her financial statement talking. Who’s the only non-school system in tonight’s audience? Dolores Reynolds! HELLO!

The ones on the side of the table nearest the doors aren’t ignoring Lori Cassada… although it looks that way.

Fire marshals were not needed to enforce occupancy limits tonight.

Renee Hughes is out tonight. Lori Cassada goes over the financial reports for the end of the last year and the start of the new year. The school system is in excellent financial shape.

Nobody in the audience can hear Kathy Osborne talk. They do have a good view of her back, though.

Next, Kathy Osborne goes over the enrollment numbers.

Enrollment is slightly down so far this year, but Osborne says it’s usual to add as many as 50 to 75 students the Tuesday after Labor Day.

The board is meeting in the middle of the room on four tables and it’s hard as hell to hear anything. And the heat is on. Seriously, the radiator is kicking out heat on the side baseboard. Ugh.

Next, we have a clarification that any style of outerwear is acceptable for the middle schools, but the students have to put their coats in the locker.

Next, DCC’s Troy Simpson talks about the proposed dual enrollment precision machining program for GWHS.

Troy Simpson seems to be doing a great Rodney Dangerfield impression.

Tonight’s Special Guest Star… Telly Tucker!

Let’s cover up Troy Simpson with these architectural drawings while he’s talking!

Architect John Ransom and Economic Director Telly Tucker help with the blueprints. Insert your own Three Stooges joke as drawings get unrolled. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.

This program will have 20 high school juniors and 20 seniors. Completion of 2 years at GWHS fastforwards a student into Year 2 at DCC. After that, the student moves to the Capstone program. The idea is to have this going at the start of the next school year, but that’s going to take perfect execution of a perfect plan.

I went outside to ask a few questions about the precision machining program, so let’s recap what happened while I was gone. Eight personnel recommendations were approved. Dave Cochran talked about the schools’ crisis plan, and the textbook budget was approved. And my favorite of all, the board came up with a working agreement about what they’re supposed to do…

Ms. Bryant and Ms. Hughes will present a draft working agreement that sets forth guidelines to ensure that the primary focus of the School Board is to create a learning environment that is in the best interest of all children.

No ████. Really? I’m glad that they didn’t decide that their job was to attract extraterrestrial life forms to Uranus. As said on da streetz… “Smh.”

We’re done here, but before the recess that will lead into the closed session, Ed Polhamus asks people what they think of the four tables in the middle of the floor setup for work sessions. You know me by now, and I’m going to speak my mind. I told them it stinks. We couldn’t hear anything from the media table in the back of the room and I felt uncomfortable having to walk around tables to get photos. Plus, I had to stare at people’s backsides. We heart Juliet Jennings, but that was a bit too creepy for me. Heh.

I reminded Polhamus that it would be a moot point soon, as all of the school board’s meetings will be from city council chambers. But as for now, the setup stinks.

That’s it. We’re done. I hope you’ve enjoyed the most comprehensive coverage of tonight’s meeting here on SouthsideCentral. We’ll have a NumbersCentral coming up with the enrollment statistics… and we’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

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