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Danville City Council – LIVE! (9/1/15)

SouthsideCentral was LIVE! at Danville City Hall for Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting. This article is complete, so enjoy the most detailed coverage that you’ll find anywhere!

We’re underway with the special work session about the hiring process for the new city manager.

Let’s get to business after dinner.

We’re in the 2nd floor conference room for this meeting.

Denice Thibodeau and Dolores Reynolds, HELLO!

Gary Miller leads the discussion. The Danville Regional Foundation has offered to pay $25K towards the cost of a search firm. Fred Shanks seems to be reluctant on accepting that money because of the potential for influence. Sherman Saunders goes on record against the money. Ultimately, it’s decided to wait on the cost bids to come in before they make the decision to accept the DRF money.

We now move to an open discussion about qualifications desired in the new city manager. Relatively generic things go on the board, like “good listener”. Sherman Saunders says that the new manager should know that the nine members of City Council are their boss, with citizens being the boss of City Council.

Business meeting time.

The back four rows are Tunstall High School students. Dan Hayes, Laurie Moran & Gracie Mays… HELLO!

Glenn Scearce is in Row 4! Yay! He didn’t speak tonight. Boo! Wayne Byrd & Dianne McMahon, HELLO!

Gary Miller starts the prayer with a story about WDBJ’s Adam Ward interviewing him a year ago. His prayer mourns his death. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Andrea Scearce accepts a proclamation for Constitution Week on behalf of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Andrea Scearce, HELLO!

Laurie Moran, HELLO!

Next, Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce President Laurie Moran does her annual update of workforce services.

Gracie Mays, HELLO!

Gracie Mays is up next announcing the 10th annual Law Enforcement Softball Game for charity.

A group of Tunstall high school students are here representing their government class.

(Editor’s Note: This photo was taken before the meeting started)

We’ve missed Davis Montgomery. Gee, he missed all the Confederate flag crap. I can’t blame him (although he said that wasn’t the reason)

It’s Davis Montgomery! Yay!

Dan Hayes from Averett speaks next about the upcoming homecoming in the first weekend of October.

We heart Dan Hayes!

Terri Brinkley speaks last, and talks about the forced removal of Galileo’s Blue Ribbon Flag. She questions the wisdom of the flag removal ordinance.

We heart Terri Brinkley!

Old business, appointments and new business fly through quickly. We start with old business. Council does the formal acceptance of a matching grant for the rehabilitation of a Pine St. historic house. There’s been a degree of “what a waste of money” on this one, so I’ll refer to the Council letter on the topic…

Funds awarded from the Certified Local Government Grant will be used for the rehabilitation and stabilization of 864 Pine Street. It is estimated that this construction will total $42,500.00. This home has suffered many years of neglect and vacancy. Once a fine Italianate example in the Old West End Historic District, it is now plagued with rotting wood and a leaking roof. This development project will be a beacon of light for Pine Street and the struggling Old West End neighborhood that has been blighted with absentee landlords and neglect. It will also show other property owners and potential investors that an historic home can be restored and returned to a quality product that is an attribute to the area.

Sure, that’s $21,250 of taxpayer money that’s being used for something that’s not a critical need to the public. But when you look at the potential talked about in the last sentence, I feel this is a good idea to take a chance on. Next, the annual $5,000 for a matching grant for Danville Arts & Humanities is approved. I’ve heard absolutely no criticism on this expenditure of taxpayer money.

Next, it’s Appointment time. The school superintendent is required to serve on the Danville Community Policy & Management Team by law unless he appoints someone else. Andy Thacker, come on down. You’re now on that board.

New business starts with first readings of matching grants for senior and disabled bus transportation, grant money for senior citizen programs and a grant for airport improvements. We wrap this segment up with an easement to allow an internet company to install equipment on the Galileo property and fixing the terms on the Airport Commission so that members can serve up to three 4-year terms.

Around the horn time. Clarke Whitfield mentions the WDBJ deaths, James Buckner & John Gilstrap mention the victim of last night’s Goodyear industrial fatality. Alonzo Jones mentions 246 things and I should have taken notes on them. Larry Campbell & Gary Miller talk about the Law Enforcement & Community Day held this past week.

Fred Shanks recognizes Terri Brinkley for her strong support of the school system.

After the meeting, Sherman Saunders stopped by to reassure me that city council will be wanting public input on the city manager hiring process. That was in response to a question that I tried to ask at the end of the special work session. I noted that the school board started the process for a new superintendent with a public forum with citizens.

I decided not to stick around for the work session this time because I had to a lot to edit already. Now it’s done and you have the most comprehensive coverage of this meeting anywhere. Thanks for visiting SouthsideCentral!

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