Danville’s least popular restaurant has closed. Say it with me… “Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.” But hey, we’ve got photos!
Thanks to a faithful SouthsideCentral reader’s tip, we found out that Miyako’s parking lot was empty. Actually, that wasn’t much of a surprise. However, they’re closed for good. Let’s go to the photos!

It doesn’t look like anybody is inside, but then does it ever? There are some signs at the door. Let’s go check them out.

Look at that. This is was the “New Miyako”. I have to laugh at the Sunday lunch hours. 2:59 PM, buddy. Not 3:00 PM.

Well damn. With a dress code like that, no wonder the parking lot stayed empty. Don’t wear your bathing suits to restaurants, kids. Let’s take a look at the big yellow sign that’s packing taped to the door.

That answers the question. They didn’t pay their rent. Now don’t you think about going inside this building! You’ll be considered a trespasser and prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I’d never think about going in that building anyway…

…except that the front doors have no lock on them and can be pulled wide open. Seriously. Just like that. Fun Fact: I did call the police department and let them know that the building was unsecured.
Happy Trails, Miyako… or New Miyako! You’ll be missed. By somebody. Maybe.
Leaving aside the restaurant, do you have any knowledge about how that shopping center ever received approval? It’s flooded at least 3 times in my lifetime. I don’t have a map, but I assume it’s on a flood plain.
I remember when it was Bonanza. Now can they tear that eyesore of a building down and build a new DQ perhaps? One with a real dining room…
As long as we’re on empty parking lots, what happened to The Highlander?
The electronic sign was turned off and passers-by think it is closed. Bud lite beer was delivered today.
Maybe they are having a going of of business party.
That sign has been off for some time now, and cannot be fixed, it has nothing to do with anything. If you knew as much as you thought you did, you might be in better shape. Highlander doesn’t open until 3pm and their beer gets delivered while they are closed, hence the empty parking lot. Go by there at night and try to find a parking spot, I have to park across the street most of the time.
Highlander is still open, they just open later, at 3pm. They do a great night time business and have awesome food and drinks. If our community spent more time trying to build up businesses instead of hating on them and bringing them down, Danville might be a better business area. Whoever went out of their way to post these sarcastic captioned photos of a business that has closed needs to go to a community that they do not want to see prosper. #Haters
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