The region’s fall festival season has taken a big hit with the rainy weather, but Yanceyville’s Bright Leaf Hoedown had perfect weather on September 19th. We’ve already published Part #1 of our PhotoCentral look at the festival, so let’s get back on track with Part #2 now.
We’ll continue where we left off…

Lots of colorful t-shirts for sale today.

Business was very good for the vendors.

You didn’t have to set up a table to get customers.

Facepainting was a popular activity.

The weather was perfect for the Bright Leaf Hoedown.

This vendor sold hand-made furniture.

The Pelham volunteer fire department was promoting their upcoming Pork Jam.

The folks from URW Community Federal Credit Union are always at community events to talk about their terrific customer service. Angela Fowler… HELLO!

The festival had so many participants that some had to be as far out as the street.
That’s Part #2 of our PhotoCentral look at the Bright Leaf Hoedown. We’ll have more in the series here on SouthsideCentral!
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