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Preview: River District Festival

All right, folks. This weekend is time for Danville’s very own fall festival… the River District Festival! In this article, we’re going to take a preview of festival events that are going to happen from Thursday through Saturday.

Check out the complete list of events at the brand new River District Festival website! Let’s look at some highlights.

Remember, this is just a preview. I’ve selected just a few things for this first article. Be sure to look at the new website for all of the details…

Thursday’s events are going to be around the Main & Union Street area. Main & Union Street stores will have extra hours for you to get a chance to check out what they sell. Entertainment will be all over the River District area including musicians and poetry readings. Artists will be on the streets and the evening will wrap up around the JTI Fountain.

Friday’s events will be centered around the Main Street area as well, with the big “Glow With The Flow” 5K run/walk. That will start 7:15 PM. There will be a before and after party featuring DJ Bobby White on the streets and a beer garden will be available.

Saturday’s events start at 8 AM and will continue to at least 10 PM. We start off with a half-marathon and will end up with the big concert at the Carrington Pavilion. Tickets are now on sale for the grand finale concert. Recording artist Tank will be the headliner, with Demetria McKinney being the opening act.

There’s your first preview article on the upcoming River District Festival. SouthsideCentral will be at every event and we’ll have loads of photos and LIVE! coverage. This year is going to be the best festival yet, and I want you to be there!





5 comments to Preview: River District Festival

  • trevor

    this festival is getting too big for its britches !! the festivities are all over the place. it needs confined to one location as It was when it first began. who wants to walk all over the place??? AND this year the YMCA has come on board?? the ymca is more than a walk away from the events. it is detached . people will drive to the ymca taking parking spaces from PAID members of the ymca who should have FIRST priority as their memberships pay for the upkeep of all grounds and facilities. Sr citizens and disabled people can not walk all over Danville to participate.

    I can not think of any other festival that requires an enormous amount of walking to see everything in the region. can you?

    wouldn’t shock me if FESTIVAL IN THE PARK does not get renamed FESTIVAL IN THE CITY or FeSTIVAL IN THE RIVER DISTRICT !!! the city council and mayor would definitely like the last one. a skeem to get people to come to the river district.

    the festival needs to return to its original conception. have all in one place.

  • trevor

    who in the hell is TANK???? only blacks know him.

  • Jerome Holman

    Good job with the “free” advertisement Bruce.

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