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Endorsements: Pittsylvania County Constitutional Offices

Endorsement Week continues on SouthsideCentral and we’ll get the unopposed Pittsylvania County constitutional offices out of the way now.

We’ve already endorsed Mark Scarce for Pittsylvania County Clerk of Court & Kate Berger for Pittsylvania County Treasurer, and now we’ll look at the three unopposed races here.

Pittsylvania County Commissioner of Revenue: Shirley Hammock is unopposed for this position as longtime incumbent Sam Swanson is retiring. She’s got 30 years experience working as the chief deputy clerk so she’ll have no problems as the head of the office.

SouthsideCentral endorses Shirley Hammock for Pittsylvania County Commissioner of Revenue, and we ask that county voters give her a courtesy vote.

Commonwealth’s Attorney: Bryan Haskins is running unopposed after long-time incumbent David Grimes has retired. Everything is going smoothly in the CA’s office with Haskins now, and nothing will change that. I did chuckle when Haskins lost a jury trial against a prisoner who represented himself in court earlier this year, but that’s not a harbinger of things to come in Haskins’ administration.

SouthsideCentral endorses Bryan Haskins for Pittsylvania County Commonwealth’s Attorney, and we ask that voters give him a courtesy vote.

Sheriff: Mike Taylor is running unopposed this election cycle. Taylor and his employees have done a very good job over the last four years with no real bad things coming out of his department. Unfortunately, there’s been very little good things or information coming out of his office. I admire and support Mike Taylor as he’s a highly professional and experienced law enforcement officer. But as a member of the media, I want more from Taylor and his office. I’d love to see the Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office issue press releases on mid-level criminal incidents. I’d like an easy way for the public to review criminal report data in the same way that Danville’s police department does it. The sheriff’s office does good work and regularly issued media releases are also a way to get the word out of that good work. These goals that I want wouldn’t take much time or effort from the office, and Mike Taylor’s the man who can implement better media of public interaction through the free flow of information. Come on, Mike. Help get your guys some recognition for the hard work that they put in.

SouthsideCentral strongly endorses Mike Taylor for Pittsylvania County Sheriff and urges voters to give him a courtesy vote on Tuesday, November 3rd.

And that clears off the Pittsylvania County constitutional offices. Endorsement Week continues here on SouthsideCentral!


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