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Thumbs! (11/27/15)

What? Five weeks since our last Thumbs! article? Let’s get that fixed right now.

UP! is good. DOWN! is bad. That’s easy enough to remember. Let’s bring on the Big Board!

  • Thumbs UP! to Michelle Bush and Embracing Danville’s Positives! Michelle is a person filled with unbridled optimism, and she created that Facebook Community to remind people that the Danville area has a lot of great things going for it. Click on the link and “LIKE” the page. If you see or know something that’s good in the region, feel free to post it to the Embracing Danville’s Positives page.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the Danville Register & Bee for their ridiculous overpricing of the annual Thanksgiving edition of the newspaper. I know that day’s paper is going to be loaded with millions of advertising inserts and will be quite heavy, but those insert process is paid for by the advertisers and it’s not cheap. Jacking the price up to $2.25 for a single copy may be good for business because they know people will pay that much, but it’s price gouging to me.
  • Speaking of the Register & Bee, Thumbs DOWN! for letting the quote from the owner of Bubba’s stand without any factchecking. I’m giving Denice Thibodeau a break from a RottenReporting because she’s not the business reporter, but her article had owner Steve Thornton saying he was “a few days late” in paying his taxes. That’s horsecrap because the tax liens were filed many months ago. Somebody should have caught that in the editing process.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to our good friend Leonard Harville. It’s not big enough for its own LeonardWatch article, but I need to point out that our (least) favorite “reporter” got it totally wrong when he said students were using drugs in Bonner Middle School. There was a drug related incident there but it wasn’t inside the school at all. Facts don’t matter to Leonard.
  • Finally, here’s a big Thumbs UP! to you. Yes, you. In the month of November, SouthsideCentral hit a milestone that I never thought was possible. One million pageviews. I can’t think my readers enough for getting the website to that goal. And that’s my Thanksgiving for this year.

OK. That was a weird Thumbs! article that had lots of things mixed up in there. I’m blaming it on all of the Thanksgiving overeating. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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