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RottenReporting: The Scanner in The Manger

This isn’t really RottenReporting because the reporting was the usual excellent John Crane writing, but RottenHeadlineWriting takes up too much space and sounds stupid.

So late last night, I decide to take a look at the Register & Bee’s website to see what their Sunday feature story is. I immediately crack up laughing at this horribly written headline…

Giles is a damned good man and I wish him the best at his fight. But he’s battling cancer, not a scanner. Sheesh. And he’s Chatham’s town manager, not Chatham’s town manger.

It took a lot of skill to construct a headline this bad and let it slip through proofreading. That’s assuming that there is any proofreading on Saturdays around 7PM over on Monument St.

So I take a look today just to see if somebody has corrected the headline on the R&B’s website. Here’s what you get…

Well, I guess that’s sort of a correction. They just wiped the story off of their website instead of editing the headline. I searched their website and couldn’t find the article anywhere. I guess they’ll try the article another day… or just forget about posting it.

Screwing up a headline not once, but twice. Deleting the article instead of fixing the errors.

That’s RottenReporting RottenHeadlineWriting (and RottenEditing).

1 comment to RottenReporting: The Scanner in The Manger

  • Blueridge

    I agree, Bruce. I have seen a good deal more of bad spelling and grammar these last few years, online. It is like kids from Junior High have been allowed to make copy their “for credit” experiment in the adult world. Glad you caught the mistakes–they dishonor the Town Manager in the Manger.

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