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Danville City Council – LIVE! (1/5/16)

SouthsideCentral was LIVE! at the January 5th Danville City Council meeting and we finally got around to adding the bonus content and finalizing the article. Whoops! Enjoy the recap!

We’re underway! Sherman Saunders leads the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Alonzo Jones is out tonight. The public comment section is up first.

Jessica Griffith & Sheila Baynes talk about the Turkeython held at WMDV-TV.

Lee Vogler & John Gilstrap have their hands up to comment, but Sherman Saunders doesn’t recognize them from the chair. Our next speakers talk about how they feel bullied by the city’s code enforcement actions and how they feel that the actions are inconsistent with other people.

These speakers have a lot of documentation on their complaints.

Sherman Saunders says that someone from the city will get back to them regarding their issues.

There’s our Turkeython ladies!

We move to regular business, and we have a light agenda tonight. We start with the first reading of appropriating $400K in matching funds to the Patton Street drainage project. After that, Council passes the restarting of the allowance program to partially reimburse developers for creating new subdivisions. Two other city engineering things are passed and that’s all. We move to the around the horn section and all council members pay tribute to the late Joe King. We move to the work session.

And here’s your Danville City Council work session!

And here’s your work session audience!

Let’s talk about cemeteries!

Danville’s cemetery ordinance will be cleaned up. The airport’s Minimum Operation Standards will be enacted. It’s real dry stuff tonight, folks.

The discussion on cemeteries does not enthuse our audience.

Delegate Danny Marshall is here tonight to talk about the failure of the Tobacco Commission to fund the GW precision machining program. He makes a joke for R&B reporter Denice Thibodeau to cover her ears when he says something. Shame on Danny Marshall for forgetting about SouthsideCentral! Marshall also talks about the upcoming legislative session, talking about the Land Bank bill and a proposed bill to require that all properties being sold or transferred have all of their property taxes paid before the deed is recorded.

Telly Tucker & James Buckner watch Danny Marshall do his talking.

And that’s it! Thanks for reading the most comprehensive recap of the January 5th Danville City Council meeting… only here on SouthsideCentral!

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