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The Heresy of Moonshiners?

The R&B’s Mike Livingston is a good crime reporter and I’m not tagging him with RottenReporting on this one. I’m just chuckling at how one word slipped past the editing process.

First, let me make it clear that I don’t give a fark about Tickle, Steve Tickle, moonshiners, “Moonshiners” (the TV show), the Discovery Channel (which was awesome when it was still the cool Discovery Channel before all the crappy reality show junk) and anything else Discovery Channel related. I do give a fark about moonshine and shotguns (and that Ancient Aliens guy who’s just so easy to make fun of).

Anyway, Steve Tickle got busted for having a sawed-off shotgun in his truck and he was convicted of it today. Here’s Mike Livingston’s Register & Bee story about the trial.

‘Moonshiners’ star found guilty of sawed-off shotgun possession

(Register & Bee article, paywall may apply unless you blow right through it)

While I’m sure that defense attorney Joe Garrett (does he ever get to win a case?) said that his client was only repeating a “hearsay” statement, we ended up getting this in the article…

…we get “heresy”. While a sawed-off shotgun may indeed be “a good snake gun”, Tickle’s statement doesn’t come close to being against orthodox religion doctrine. Technically, it depends on what kind of shotgun had been sawed-off.  Now, if somebody took a hacksaw and chopped off the barrel of a high quality Benelli over/under? That would here been heresy. All gun owners would agree on that.

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