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Sheila Baynes’ City Council Announcement

Today, Sheila Baynes announced that she will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.

Again, this is from Sheila Baynes.

For many years I wanted to serve on city council but due to family and work responsibilities, I did not feel that I had the time required to faithfully serve our community. My children are grown and my husband is retired and I now have the time to devote to fulfilling my dream of serving the city.

Like so many other communities, Danville is struggling to find its place in the world economy. What worked in the past does not work today, nor will it work in the future. The days of being able to work and provide for one’s family without a high school education are gone. Being willing to work hard is just not enough any more. Technology has brought many advantages that make our life better; it also is replacing unskilled and uneducated workers. Jobs are here today, gone tomorrow. Our workforce can expect to have many different jobs over their working life. Workers will be required to retrain and adapt as demand grows and changes.

Education is key to growing a new economy and the future of our city depends on it. Council’s number one priority is to make our community safe and there is no place more important than in our schools. Council has a role to play in insuring that we are providing an atmosphere that encourages learning, creativity, and the ability to adapt.

We all know that Danville is in desperate need of good paying jobs. The reality is unless people feel safe and that our schools are educating and preparing our children for the future, we cannot attract the jobs we need.

I pledge that if you give me one of your five votes, I will do my very best to listen to all points of view and make decisions based on what I believe is best for everyone. I ask for one of your five votes.

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