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Don’t Talk To SouthsideCentral!

It seems that certain governmental authorities don’t like their upcoming business dealings exposed on SouthsideCentral before they take place.

SouthsideCentral has learned that an email has been sent to Danville Industrial Development Authority board members reminding them not to discuss business deals and real estate transactions with anybody, including the media. The email says that talking about pending transactions can adversely affect the IDA’s position on transactions if they haven’t been finalized or voted on publicly.

Jeez. I’m proud of my investigative reporting that uncovered the IDA’s plan to by the gas station property beside the museum. I worked for a week before I was finally able to tell my readers that the IDA was planning to bid against private citizens at the recent bankruptcy auction. Somebody doesn’t like SouthsideCentral on the IDA. I’m perfectly fine with that.

I’ve sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the city to get a copy of this email to the IDA board members and I will publish it if they grant my request. If they don’t grant my request and cite a FOIA exemption, I’ll have no problem challenging that exemption. I’ll keep you posted on what happens with that process.

Danville’s Industrial Development Authority’s dealings are a mystery to a majority of citizens and are also a mystery to members of Danville City Council. That being said, good investigative reporting will usually get to the truth by using a wide network of sources. SouthsideCentral is glad to fill a much-needed investigative reporting role in the region. I’m going to write what I write no matter what pressure comes down on me. Our readers deserve that, and you’re going to keep getting that here on SouthsideCentral.

Thanks for reading, folks!


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