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Trina McLaughlin’s City Council Announcement

Today, Trina McLaughlin announced that she will run for Danville City Council in the upcoming May elections. SouthsideCentral is glad to publish her statement unedited so that our readers can see it in its entirety.

Again, this is from Trina McLaughlin.

Today Danville resident Trina McLaughlin announced her bid for City Council. McLaughlin intends to bring her passion and concern for the City of Danville – particularly its youth – to her campaign for council. She intends to partner with businesses, community leaders, and citizens to help Danville blossom into the safest and most economically strong and welcoming city it can be.
McLaughlin will also be an advocate for transparency, believing a true commitment to transparency is required in order for our city to thrive. “Transparency should be demanded by the citizens. Elected officials, as well city employees, must be held accountable for the decisions they make.” said McLaughlin.

McLaughlin intends to meet with communities throughout the city to discuss the specific issues affecting each community. As a member of Council, she will work to provide a better understanding of key city processes, such as determining which houses are considered “blight”, and help communities engage the city leadership in hearing their concerns. As part of this work, McLaughlin will increase awareness among city residents regarding the opportunities to serve on local boards and commissions. “Danville’s boards and commissions should reflect the diversity of opinions found in our city. I will work to ensure that residents feel that they have a seat at the table as decisions for our future are made,” McLaughlin said.

McLaughlin has been a champion for education and a mentor to many students, helping them see their true potential. As the GW Basketball Cheerleading Coach, McLaughlin has doubled the minimum GPA for participation and required students to complete 40 hours of community service annually. According to McLaughlin, “Increasing educational attainment is key to the continued growth and success of our region. City Council must be a strong partner for both the School Board and everyone in our community who is working to ensure that our youth succeed.”

McLaughlin is an Army veteran and current employee at CIT in Danville. In addition to serving as cheer coach, she volunteers as the current Chair of the River District Festival and was a former member of the Danville United Steering Committee. She serves as a member of the Danville After Hours Rotary as well as a member of the Emerge Virginia Class of 2016. McLaughlin is married to Jeffrey McLaughlin, a police officer for the city of Danville. She has two children and two stepchildren.

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