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YouCentral: Lauren Jones & Her Gold Award Project

SouthsideCentral loves to print letters from our readers. Today, Lauren Jones talks about her Gold Award project and the upcoming Southside Audible Egg Hunt.

Again, this is from Lauren Jones.

My name is Lauren Jones. I am a senior cadet with Girl Scout Troop 152. I am currently working toward my Gold Award! This is equivalent to an Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts. My Gold Award is Hoppy Memories. I am bringing the Easter Bunny to the Southside Audible Egg Hunt and providing the kids and parents a less stressful opportunity to have their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny! I will have the children decorate mats that I will use to frame their pictures. I will give the families the pictures after the hunt. This is at no cost for the families.

This is just a small part of the Southside Audible Egg Hunt! This is the 5th annual hunt. I have been fortunate to have volunteered since the very first! My Gold Award mentor is Lori Floyd who is a vision teacher with Henry County Schools. She has done an amazing job to grow this event to what it is now. The event is for children with visual impairments in the Southside including Henry County, Danville City, Pittsylvania County, and even North Carolina. This event allows these children to experience an egg hunt just for them and be successful with individual help (if needed) and beeping eggs! There are activities and games for the children to participate in while waiting for their turn to hunt!

I would love to invite you to see this wonderful event. As a part of my Gold Award I am hoping to help get the word out about the hunt! We would love to have some media coverage to commemorate the 5th year! I have made a Facebook page to help too! Please check it out and like the page! Just search for Southside Audible Egg Hunt!

This year the Southside Audible Egg Hunt will be held on April 2 from 3-5 at the Smith River Sports Complex. Volunteers start setting up at 1.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Editor’s Note: If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Here’s the Facebook Page that Lauren has set up for the Audible Egg Hunt event.

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