Our PhotoCentral series on 2006’s Old South Ball continues here on SouthsideCentral. We published Part #1 earlier today, so now let’s get to Part #2.
We’ll resume where we left off in Part #1…

Dress ranged from semi-formal to full period-era clothing.

Fred & Kathy Shanks, Brenda & Ken Bowman and Nelson & Emma Rich shared a table at the event.

Jim Lindley is in his full period-era clothing.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy had a large number of tables.

Susan Hathaway gets an award as Tony Lundy does the announcing.

More awards are given out.

Aubrey Ridgeway (L) is one of many people getting photos of the award ceremony.

The authentic state flags add to the beautiful decorations.

Tony Lundy talks back and forth to one of the award recipients.
That’s the end of Part #2.If any of our readers have some names of people in the photos, feel free to leave them in the comment section. I’ll be glad to update the captions.
We’ll have Part #3 coming up soon… only here on SouthsideCentral!
Beautiful…lots of smiles. Was the food good?
O’Kelly’s had their great food available for sale, so I’d say “Yes” to that question.
So for fifty bucks a person, including a drink or two, one could have a great time. That seems pricey, to us. Or, are we being cheap?