I honestly can’t blame all the other regional media for not covering this meeting. But hey, we’ve got photos and are going to make an article out of the RIFA meeting anyway!
We’re at the Danville Regional Airport for Monday’s Regional Industrial Facility Authority meeting.

Starting at the near side of the table and going clockwise, we have Bob Warren, Lee Vogler, attorney Michael Guanzon, secretary Sue DeMasi, Jessie Barksdale, Sherman Saunders & Elton Blackstock.
Fred Shanks is out today, so alternate Lee Vogler becomes a voting member. Like it’s going to make a difference with anything today anyway.
Nobody’s here for the public comment section. The minutes are approved. Our first item of business is approval of a rental agreement for a billboard on RIFA property in Cane Creek Centre. It will bring in $1500 in annual rent. That passes 4-0. Mike Adkins does the financial reports.
The board goes into a closed session for business expansion and recruiting for about an hour, then we’re done. Seriously, that’s it.
Let’s wrap up this article with some bonus photos…

On this end of the table, we have (starting at far right, coming around clockwise) Henrietta Weaver, Mike Adkins, Patricia Conner, Corrie Teague, Clarence Monday, Matt Rowe, Greg Sides & Ken Larking.

Board attorney Michael Guanzon (from Clement Wheatley) does a lot of pre-meeting work. Here, he’s reviewing his notes during the meeting.

Dewberry’s Shawn Harden & Brian Bradner are here to talk about engineering issues in the closed session. We owed Shawn a good photo. Heh.

Finally, it’s the obligatory “Mike Adkins knows where all the money is.” photo.
Hey. We were able to turn a meeting with one business item into a decent article. And that’s how SouthsideCentral works!
I guess Pittsylvania County’s 7 Closed Sessions listed on the April 19th agenda to discuss potential economic development incentives are not RIFA related? What do you know of these 7 projects Bruce? It would be nice to know that tax dollars will be used in a manner that yields a return.
Bruce do you know why parks & recreation is closing community playgrounds/parks. I live in White Rock & we are concerned. There’s a lot of history there.