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YouCentral: Neal Morris on Danville Crime

SouthsideCentral is always glad to publish letters to the community from our readers. In today’s YouCentral, Neal Morris talks about the recent uptick in Danville crime.

Again, this is from Neal Morris.

May 6, 2016

Southside Central:

At the outset I would like to express my utmost respect and appreciation for the men and women of the Danville Police Department on the STREETS as they perform their dangerous and complex duties.

With that being said I want address the problem of crime in the city although I have tried to refrain from commenting but there are several things that have brought me to this point. First is the fact we have the 2nd highest crime rate in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There are articles that try to minimize this fact by saying the crime rate is based on 100,000 population but that is the way the crime rate has always been rated. So if the crime rate several years ago was lower and it now 2nd highest in the state it is bad! I cannot go anywhere without people asking me about the crime problem so they are not really concerned with these figures as they are with is actually going on within the city.

Secondly, the editorial in the Danville Register & Bee Monday morning, May 2, 2016 entitled “Someone should be voted out of office” singled out Mayor Sherman Saunders as one of those persons. Why would Mayor Saunders be more responsible than any other council member when the editorial properly pointed out that he has no more political power than the other eight members of council? It is my opinion they are looking at the wrong person to place blame on for the crime that is occurring. The Police Chief has the sworn responsibility to assign, deploy, plan and implement strategies that provide effective law enforcement measures to protect and serve the citizens. If there is any criticism of council members it is failing to ensure these functions are being met. The practice of moving officers about before they can become effective investigators, crime scene personnel, not allowing the street crime unit to perform their duties and enforce the law, all but elimination of the Community Oriented Police (if it has not been totally eliminated) and the failure to have effective undercover drug investigations are factors I think contributes to the rise in crime. Undercover drug operations could have removed some of the people that are committing shootings, robberies and burglaries from the streets.

Thirdly, Councilman Larry Campbell stated he had talked with Mark Herring, who occupies the Office of Attorney General in Virginia, about ways crime can be reduced and initiating programs that will help. He further said the attorney general had made dealing with crime in Danville a top priority. I commend Councilman Campbell for looking for ways to reduce crime but the attorney general is not involved in the enforcement of the law so why is not Councilman Campbell looking to his Police Chief to develop these initiatives and programs? Could it be the fact that at a work session with the Police Chief he asked for 4 police officers as a method to reduce crime? I submit 4 additional police officers will not do one thing to reduce crime.

In closing, crime will not be eliminated but there are methods that could be employed that would reduce crime by removing some of the criminals from the streets but if fear of some sort of confrontation with drug dealers and criminals is preventing the Police Chief from making some decisions and letting unsafe situations exist things will continue to get worse.

T. Neal Morris

11 comments to YouCentral: Neal Morris on Danville Crime

  • straight_shooter

    Its about time someone called Campbell out on his
    statements. I appreciate the blood raw perspective on crime, you would know. The fact is local government entities like social services and the school system waist resources for the kids that grow up and commit these crimes. Danville focus is on 3 things…The River District, The Flag, and lastly what to do about the n****s, the rest of this beautiful city is a after thought. One major source of support could be The Regional Foundation, unfortunately they are cleverly cloaked and insulated and will not fund anything substantial to benefit struggling communities. However Karl Stabuer continues to remind us that hey if we just follow his lead Danville will be a better place (with the help of R&B). Im know genius but I think the hospital and DRF have a little something to do with one another. So it will be interesting to see what other solutions CEO Larson will bring to the table other than these we shall overcome community walks. There was know public out cry until the upper echelon was affected.

  • Jerome Holman

    straight shooter… Just curious, what does “n****s” translate into plain language. Is it me, but using a pseudonym as your name & word-blank puzzles doesn’t seem quite straight. The readers, and I myself for one will be looking forward to a straight answer. …jerome holman

  • Charles Parrett

    The Attorney General of the state is not where anyone should be looking for help. He has stated he will not enforce laws HE disagrees with. One good example… Same Sex Marriage… Danville and the Courts of Danville and or County need to lay use the authority they have and enforce the laws to the limit allowed. It does no one any good for the Police to arrest the criminals if the courts are going to turn them back out on the streets. Put them on the old Chain Gangs and work them from sun up to sundown. There is a need in this country to show that crime does not pay. You have to make our prisons and jails a place that no one wants to return to. Police officers should not be afraid to follow the law and enforce the law. You have the power to arrest and when it is called for then do it. The Police have a tough job and if you can not or will not do your job then it is time for you to find another job.

  • Freddy

    Why wasn’t this very important message from Chief Morris NOT in the Danville daily?

  • Freddy

    Sorry about the double negative….why was this NOT in Danville daily?

  • The true answer is not to rely solely on the Police, or anyone for that matter. We could double the amount on the force and that would only increase cost to tax payers. Police cannot be everywhere and prevent everything. The answer is simple and two fold. Get a concealed permit and buy a gun! Defend yourself and stop blaming others. Bad people exist everywhere and no one can read their minds on when and where they might strike.

  • Jeff

    Yes, the police chief and officers can make a big difference at treating the symptoms of these crimes. However curing the problem has to come from within. Police, the schools, the AG, etc cannot solve this. If Mr. Campbell wants to deal with this issue then he doesn’t need to go to the AG or complain (as he has in the past) that the street crimes unit is racist. He needs to go into his own community and start there. We all do.

  • Freddy

    To be blunt, Morris seemed to be calling for firing Chief Broadfoot. Isn’t that a pretty good idea–at least for starters?

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