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Thumbs! (5/9/16)

Regular humans have opposable thumbs. SouthsideCentral has amazing Thumbs!

UP! is good and green. DOWN! is bad and red. That’s simple enough, so let’s go jump on that Big Board!

  • Thumbs UP! to Danville voters. They got it right in the recent City Council elections by returning all four incumbents to office. Danville’s got some issues, but to hang those issues on the incumbents was just wrong… and the voters saw through that.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the idiotic Register & Bee city council election endorsements that were published on Sunday, and a giant Thumbs DOWN! for the next day’s Register & Bee “dis-endorsements” that were published on Monday. The endorsements made little sense (“Robin Dabney because she had the best education of the candidates”… Huh?), and the next day’s reasons to not vote for candidates was just as stupid. We have to give a Thumbs UP! to Danville voters again, because they completely disregarded those Register & Bee endorsement editorials.
  • Thumbs UP! for the Danville Police Department sending out a reminder about Danville’s youth curfew law. It’s a clear shot across the bow telling that the police will be actively enforcing the curfew law when school is out, and we look forward to seeing the results. We notice that the law is only for “public property” (as it has to be), so we see there’s a giant way out of this ordinance. If kids just stand in somebody’s front yard, the police will be unable to use the law to the community’s benefit. A Thumbs DOWN! on the side for the fact that we actually have a curfew law, but that’s another story for another time.
  • Thumbs UP! for the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce. Yes, again. On Monday night, the Chamber held their annual awards banquet and it showcased the great work that the Chamber does. 39 teachers (one from each school in the region) were honored as “Educators of the Year”, and three of those were chosen for a $2500 cash award sponsored by the Danville Regional Foundation. Six people received the Young Professional PACE (professional & community engagement awards. 15 middle and high school students were recognized for their starting their own businesses in the YEA! program (Young Entrepreneurs Academy), and 18 people were honored for completing the latest edition of the “Leadership Southside” program.
  • Finally, a big Thumbs UP! to the Danville YMCA. They recently crossed the amazing 9000 member mark. Executive director Sarah Folmar and her team have worked hard to get the Y where it is, and that number proves it. Well done!

And that’s the Thumbs! for today. We’ve got more coming up here on SouthsideCentral!

6 comments to Thumbs! (5/9/16)

  • Fred Shanks

    Thumbs down on the register and plea. I totally understand the concept of endorsements and have no problem with that. A follow up smear campaign the next day is unprecedented, unheard of and demonstrates that paper’s lack of integrity and total disregard of professional and ethical journalism. Their results are consistent with their level of intelligence. Glad to see the Star Tribune making a business model to expand further into the Danville market…the citizens of Danville deserve better, and the Tribune has figured that out.

  • Mojo

    Another great – Thumbs.

    Speaking of the Register and Bee. You just have to love how Benson kept using that not so flattering picture of Fred Shanks. He later (much too late) offered to use another picture if Fred would send him one. Is it possible Benson would stoop so low and use that picture to try to help further his personal political agenda? Hmm.

    It’s great having Fred back in the chambers.

  • Mojo

    How’s that for timing? Fred posting as I posted.

  • Fred Shanks

    Getty up.

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    Does the Star Tribune censor its customers if they say something they deem not acceptable like the Register and Bee will.
    I made the comment that the Falwell’s were coming to save Danville again when they announced the opening of the movie theater church, meaning that they brought sweet frogs here now they are bringing another church to Danville.
    The little lady reporter got her pannies in a knot (and i assume her boss too whoever that may be)and whined like a little baby till I was completely cut off from all posting on the Register and bee fish wrap till they went to the facebook platform,then they had to let me start posting again.
    This paper is pitiful.Good luck Star Tribune. Becoming the best paper in Danville should be a very easy accomplishment to achieve.
    Damn Fred, now you have done it,You said something they Register and Fishwrap will never put a better picture of you in the paper. I like the one where you are making your getty up and go sound.It’s what Danville needs to do, Getty up and go stop the dumb stuff that is happening in Danville so we can get positive things done to make Danville Better.

  • William Hardin

    Without question the best reporting in Danville and the surrounding area isn’t in a “traditional” newspaper but right here. It is amazing what Bruce has been able to pull off with his hard work and long hours, creating intelligent and thought provoking content on SouthSideCentral. And this isn’t something I won’t say to any other firm attempting to cover this area. Journalism is more than merely publishing press releases and police blotter updates.

    And while Bruce brings his own opinion into stories at times, the detail provided and actual reporting allows you to draw your own conclusions. Keep it up!

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