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Is This Anything? (5/23/16)

Sometimes, you have to look at a news story or happening and wonder think “Is This Anything?” Does the story or happening really have any significance or is it really nothing in the end?

David Letterman used to play this game once a week on the “Late Show”, but he’s gone now. We’re glad to resurrect “Is This Anything?” as a SouthsideCentral occasional feature. So, let’s ask the title question? Is This Anything?

We’ve got X things to judge today. Let’s get started.

“The GW Graduation Controversy”: Last Thursday, a group of graduating George Washington High School seniors contacted Jessica Griffith (from Star News) because they were unhappy with the inclement weather plans for their graduation ceremony. Students would be limited to two tickets for the ceremony that would be held inside the gymnasium. Griffith and a cameraman went to the hill beside the school where the students and some of the parents gathered for the interview. The first student that Griffith interviewed was very well-spoken and explained the problem well. Unfortunately, the video segment deteriorated once the other students and parents got the microphone.

The students really didn’t have an alternative plan that was viable, and especially since graduation was 36 hours away at that point. The covered area of the Carrington Pavilion only seats around 1100, and Averett University’s Grant Center was already booked for three other graduations that day. This inclement weather policy has been in place since I graduated from GW back in 1894. We all knew about it and had to make adjustments if it came into play.

The video didn’t have any statements or discussions with school administration, so it was one-sided. That proved out when school administration came up with an addition to the inclement weather plan by simulcasting the ceremony in the school’s auditorium (with each graduate getting two tickets for that) and live streaming the ceremony on the school’s YouTube channel & website. With Star News taking Friday, Saturday & Sunday off on their Danville operations, there never was any follow-up to the story and it just sat there. No other media source touched the story (and I think I just tipped you off on the answer to the Big Question by saying that).

So, hey! About “The GW Graduation Controversy”? Is This Anything?

There wasn’t enough time left on the clock to change any plans for something that big, and there were no viable alternatives. The students wanted to be heard but ended up only getting a video segment that at best marginally helped their issue. A good solution was worked out by school administration. So, no. This is Nothing. Next!

“The Hazelnut’s Ice Cream Sign Controversy”: Micheal Hazelwood opened up the second location of his ice cream shop on Danville’s Piney Forest Rd. this past weekend and got tagged with a sign ordinance violation letter for zip-tying two Hershey’s Ice Cream signs to an existing signpole in front of his business. Yes, Danville’s sign ordinance is complicated and unwieldy and it should be made more user-friendly. That being said, the city’s planning and zoning department is more than happy to explain what’s legal and what isn’t legal if they’re just simply asked. Hazelwood just didn’t simply ask.

The sign ordinance violation letter carries no penalties if the problem is fixed in 10 days. Clip. Clip. Problem fixed. If Hazelwood went to the Register & Bee with this story as an example of “govermental overreach”, he’s barking up the wrong tree. The ordinance has been in place for a very long time, and Ken Gillie, Renee Burton or Anna Levi from the city would have told him what Hazelwood’s options were.

Now he knows the ordinance (at least this part of it) and I hope he’s learned to ask the city staff for help in the future.

So, hey! About “The Hazelnut’s Ice Cream Sign Controversy”? Is This Anything?

I like ice cream. I’ll try this business very soon. There’s other ways to advertise (including at SouthsideCentral for a very reasonable price that fits into every business budget!) and I’m sure this problem will be handled quickly. So, no. This is Nothing. Next!

“Danville’s Stinky Water (Round #4)”: Round #4 of Danville’s stinky drinking water has came and gone. The city’s been adding carbon to the drinking water at the water treatment plant ever since the first stinky water problem came up last year. They even spent the money for a new high-volume carbon feeder to make it much easier.

The city has tried in the past to cut back on the amount of carbon when conditions improve. Carbon is a relatively cheap expense to the city, so I’m not sure what’s the big deal in just letting it keep going into the system. According to the city, water treatment plant operators test the water every hour by actually drinking it. Somebody dropped the ball and let some stinky water get into the system yet again. I’ve asked questions on that happening before but have never gotten a definitive answer.

So, hey! About “Danville’s Stinky Water (Round #4)”? Is This Anything?

Let the carbon flow at full volume. The money’s in the budget and it’s not hurting anything. If the city does want to cut back on the carbon, then make sure that nobody drops the ball in taste testing. One mistake and we’ve got days of stinky water complaints. So yes. This is Something.

So, there you go. Two Nothings and one Something. That’s a good start to this feature category. We’ve got more coming up here on SouthsideCentral!

7 comments to Is This Anything? (5/23/16)

  • Should have noted the few parents that attempted to use fake tickets to enter the graduation ceremonies! In actuality, it may have just been one parent or family member but it happened!

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    If GWs graduations are anything like Galileo’s when my girls went there then less parents and friends is a good thing. The principle at my youngest daughter’s graduation asked very clearly and directly for the parents and friends to PLEASE hold your applause, cheers etc etc till the ceremony is over so all the parents will be able to hear their child’s name called out and what they earned as far as achievements. Naturally as always a group of loud mouth , screaming , cheering group that started being obnoxious from the very beginning to the very end just to disrupt the ceremony.There is always that one group that think they have to be heard and seen that do not care what they mess up for others as long as they are noticed.The principle even looked at these obnoxious, self centered, entitled good for nothing people but they just laughed and continued to disrupt the whole ceremony. I do believe it is the principal’s responsibility as the leader to stop the whole program , point out the ones disrupting the program and have them removed if they do not stop.These parents who believe they have the right to dump their kids off on the schools , give no support to the schools,offer no assistance in any way ever ,but think they should be heard when they are unhappy and demand attention are the problem.The kids were well behaved while the parents act like a bunch of idiots and disrupt everything.Then people wonder why these kids act like they do in society like they do when they get older not wiser.

  • GWHS >> Is it anything? > Nope.
    Ice Cream >> Is it anything? > Nope (do your homework when opening a business)
    Stinky water >> Is it anything? > Never tasted or smelled so no opinion


    Maybe the city will keep putting carbon in the water until one day I will turn on my faucet and diamonds will fall out lol.

  • L.C. Moore

    I think this was the way the ice cream sign thing came up in the R&B. Copied from Micheal Hazelwoods facebook page after he complained about the city sign policy. (Robert Benson: Call my reporter (I’ll definitely have her call you). For the life of me, I’m not sure why that sign would be a violation of anything. Geez.
    Like · Reply · 3 · May 21 at 9:47pm) Good move for Micheal, because he got some great free advertising.

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