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River District Scavenger Hunt – 2016 (Part #10)

We’re nearing the end of this PhotoCentral series on the 2016 River District Scavenger Hunt and we’re glad that you’ve enjoyed looking at all the photos. When we left off in Part #9, we had made it back to the JTI Fountain and was getting ready for the prize drawings. We had also left Susan Granger in Lizzy Lou Boutique, trying on dresses… but she’ll catch back up!

Here’s the links to the other articles in this series: Part #1Part #2Part #3Part #4Part #5Part #6Part #7Part #8Part #9

Let’s see what’s happening down by the fountain…

River District Association executive director Ernecia Coles is checking gamesheets and handing out tickets for the prize drawings.

Lorrie Eanes-Brooks gives us our tickets.

Ernecia gives Averett University’s Dan Hayes his drawing tickets.

Laurie Moran & Janice Gilstrap are always in a great mood.

River City TV’s Mark Aron & his family are relaxing at the fountain area.

Laurie Moran & Dan Hayes are talking while Carroll Walker mans the ice cream stand.

Ernecia Coles, Phillip Hayes & Kim Custer are checking game players in for the drawing while Sherman Saunders laughs in the background. And is that Von Wellington over in the corner of the photo?

It sure is Von Wellington. He’s with Joyce Wilburn and an assistant.

The JTI Fountain area is starting to fill up, but we’ve still got time before the drawing!

Ten down and three to go! Have you recognized anybody in these photos? More coming up here on SouthsideCentral!

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