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First Look: The New Coffee House/Wine Bar/Cafe

On Monday, the Danville Planning Commission will recommend approval of a Special Use Permit to allow operation of a new coffee house/wine bar & cafe to go into the old gas station at 1009 Main Street. That’s the location of the old gas station besides the Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History.

Let’s take a look at the conceptual drawing of what the new business will look like.

When you apply for a Special Use Permit, it’s a good idea to have all of your plans ready for the city’s Planning & Zoning department to see. That way, each of the seven people on the board can examine everything and pre-answer a lot of their questions. Steve DelGiorno & Rick Barker are “Two Crows, LLC” and they’re the driving force behind this new business venture. Needless to say, those two guys know how the zoning game is played and they’re ready to go with all of their plans.

Let’s take a look at their architect’s conceptual drawing of the new building’s design…

Wow. As you can see, this will look nothing like the existing gas station. The biggest addition will be the fenced seating area built in front of the existing garage bay doors. They’ll have 18 parking spaces and the south and west property lines will be fenced. They’ll also install a landscape buffer behind the building to shield from the houses down on Holbrook Avenue.

Since this property is in the Old West End historic district, the Commission on Architectural Review will have to approve the outside changes to the building. Weird things can happen with that group. That being said, SouthsideCentral is 100% confident that this Special Use Permit will get the approval recommendation from the Planning Commission.

We plan to have LIVE! coverage of Monday’s Planning Commission here on SouthsideCentral, so be sure to watch for that article!

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