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UncensoredWatch: We Got Us A Bunch Of Badasses Here!

Wow. As soon as we published the first UncensoredWatch article, the SouthsideCentral TipLine got a lot of hilarious submissions. So it’s back-to-back UncensoredWatch articles for you to point and laugh at.

In this article, a stupid question leads to some really stupid comments. Or in other words, business as usual. But we got our guns! And our crazy conspiracy theories!

Thanks to our SouthsideCentral friends that send these in. That group has banned me & locked it down so that only members can see what’s being posted. I don’t care. I’ve got sources.

Let’s take a look at the hilarity sadness hilarity & sadness…

Ok. Let’s bring out the Uncensored Big Board for some commentary. Technically, all of our Big Boards are Uncensored, but anyway…

  • Yes. The City of Danville and Pittsylvania County have plans in place for rioting, looting and people being stupid.
  • The plan for “people being stupid” is to allow them to post stupid things on social media and get mocked for it.
  • We’re glad Susan Hathaway thinks that’s a “great question” about the region, because she lives over 100 miles away and only comes here for Confederate flag related things. Then Hathaway GoesAway until the next flag thing. Because flag, that’s why. Flag.
  • We got us a lot of gun packin’ badasses here, folks.

But wait. We’ve got a Obama/Martial Law conspiracy here! Steven Collins has two words. “Martial Law. No matter who wins.” Ok, that’s six words. Maybe he just meant his first two words. Anyway, Collins seems to believe that Barack Obama will get his third term in office with assistance of black helicopters, UN armored vehicles, chemtrails and hell, we’ve got to put a Confederate flag in there somewhere. We’re going to remember this article when none of that horsecrap even remotely comes to be true.

Finally, we wonder where Bruce Hudson’s powder was on May 14th.

That’s an inside joke, but you can be an insider and get in on the fun. Join the real Southside News & Views Facebook group. You don’t even have to join the group to see what we talk about. We’re truly Uncensored.

Keep those submissions coming in. We can’t see what’s happening in that group, so keep those submissions coming in.

We’re watching.

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