If you follow SouthsideCentral’s other social media channels, you may have already seen these photos from the weekend. If not, they’re new to you! We occasionally recap the miscellaneous photos we publish and put them all in one convenient place for you to look at them. It’s a SouthsideRoundup!
Remember to follow us on our SouthsideCentral Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr & Flickr. You can also find my personal page on Facebook & send a friend request or follow my public posts.
We’ve got a true mix of things this time. Let’s start the Roundup!

#BonusCentral! – Parking Jerk No More! – Danville City Councilman Lee Vogler shows us his parking pass that’s good for the next four years.

#BonusCentral! – One of these trees appears to have a serious health problem.

#BonusCentral! – After a thorough cleaning, Danville’s JTI fountain water is back to perfectly clear. #BeholdThePowerOfSouthsideCentral

#BonusCentral! – These geese aren’t dumb. They can see when you’ve ran out of bread.

#TimeMachine! – We’re back to 2004 as John Hamlin & Sherman Saunders await Danville City Council election results.

#TimeMachine! – This is the big fire that leveled Danville’s Cabin Lake condominiums in 2003.
And there you go! That’s our SouthsideRoundup of the photos that we shared over the weekend on our SouthsideCentral media channels! I hope you’ve enjoyed them. We’ve got more coming up here on SouthsideCentral!
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