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Thumbs! (7/22/16)

What goes UP! and DOWN! often? Yeah, an elevator. But I was looking for you to say “Thumbs!“, you know.

Let’s see what’s on the Big Board today.

Here’s a quick hint on how it works. UP! is Good. DOWN! is Bad. Let’s play Thumbs!

  • Thumbs UP! to Halifax County’s Bonita Nelson. She’s a woman who lives to help other people in need, and will whatever it takes to make that help happen. She’s focusing her effort’s on Halifax County’s homeless situation (and if you don’t think Halifax County has homeless people, you need to start looking around). She’s organized the “Do Something” initiative and her goal is to open a homeless shelter in the county. Her efforts can be helped by the local government’s efforts to adapt and change the zoning laws to help find a place for the homeless shelter. We’ve already picked up stories of a reluctance to help from the Town of South Boston, and that’s got to change.
  • Thumbs UP! to Scott Brooks and his crazy ideas that seem to work out. His Showcase Magazine brand is putting on the “Kegs On Main” event on Saturday night at Danville’s Carrington Pavilion. It’s $10 for beer & food, and $25 for mixed drinks, craft beer & food if you get your tickets in advance. Here’s the link for those advance tickets. SouthsideCentral will be there and we’ll have photos from the event. I hope to see you there!
  • Thumbs UP! to Dell’Anno’s Pizza Kitchen in downtown Danville. They’ve got a great deal on a cheeseburger and pasta salad combo plate. It’s around $4.50 and that’s including tax. And let’s also throw out a Thumbs UP! to Steaks on the Square for their Wednesday $5 burger special.
  • Thumbs DOWN! for um… nothing. I’m in a good mood!

Let’s end this Thumbs! article on that good mood. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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