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RandomThoughts! (1/18/17)

I’ve got a new computer. I’ve got a new phone. Crap just got real.

Let’s think randomly.

The storage room for all of our Big Boards has a lot of cobwebs in it since it’s been so long. Let’s clean one off and bring it out…

  • Because last year’s SCLC “Stop The Killing” banquet and march was so effective at keeping down Danville’s murder rate, the SCLC did it again this past weekend. Sheesh. Here is my comment that I made on the Southside News & Views Facebook page on a thread about an on-camera interview at the parade march…“If I wanted to hear another “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.” speech, I’d listen to Whitney Houston music. This was a “Stop The Killing” weekend and it ended up with the same group of people patting themselves on the back. Whooping and hollering inside and outside of the churches didn’t do a damn thing to Stop The Killing last year. Make a real difference this year. Go door-to-door to your neighbors. Tell them about Crimestoppers. Tell them they can remain anonymous yet still make a difference in getting crimes solved. Preach that in the pulpit on Sunday. Say that to the banquet on Saturday night.” Yeah, I warned you people that I was back. Heh.
  • Hey, whatever happened to the “Ruby Archie Memorial Library” idea?
  • Although I’ve roasted Mark Hermann & his River District Towers project lots of times, I’m glad to give him credit for finally getting the job done. Well, almost done but close enough to get my accolades.
  • Wasn’t Danville’s “Toys R Us” store supposed to close about 15 years ago?
  • Goodwill’s “Ye Olde Bookshop” inside their Westover store has devolved into a pile of crap over the last few years.
  • I’m embarrassed to say that I had almost forgotten how to format articles in the SouthsideCentral style.
  • We heart Barbara Durbin, otherwise known as “The Cake Lady”. We also heart her husband, Mike Durbin.
  • If you’re tired of paying a lot for cellphone service, I have to recommend Virgin Mobile. I’m now on an unlimited-everything plan with 10GB of high-speed data for just $45. Their phones range anywhere from the latest down to models that still perform well.
  • Since I made it to the end of an article without mentioning food, don’t forget to go to Dav Gerrells’ Cafe 99 in downtown Reidsville. He’s only open until 3PM Monday-Friday but he’s got the best lunch around at extremely reasonable prices.

And there you go! I’m thinking this is the 4th rebirth of SouthsideCentral, but this time is different (yeah right), because I’ve got new tools to keep the content going. Thanks for sticking around, folks. It’s all about you, my readers.

5 comments to RandomThoughts! (1/18/17)

  • Kate Berger

    Goodwill had the bookstore with the largest sales across the nation thanks to Dick Pretty. After he retired itweny down hill steadily. What a shame. For the book lovers in this area.

  • Martha Ramey

    “Cake Lady’ sounds like a food( of sorts) to me…

  • The Goodwill Book Store has a different store model since Dick left. Now the book store is set up like most Goodwill stores. They still have the same great value, where can you buy a good book for a couple of dollars. It takes some getting use to not having Dick in the dept. to help you locate certain sections, but Goodwill Book Store still is about the only place to shop for slightly used books. For transparency sake, I am on the Goodwill Board of Directors, but I have always shopped the bookstore for rare and unusual book titles.

  • Loims512

    Goodwill Book Store has always been my favorite bookstore!

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