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RIFA – LIVE! (5/14/18)

Well looky here! We’re going to do a trial run of real time updating a LIVE! event.

It’s time for this month’s Regional Industrial Facilities Authority meeting and SouthsideCentral is here LIVE!

Refresh this page often to see the latest happenings, comments and photos. Today’s meeting starts at noon.

We’re underway (or close enough)! New location for the RIFA meeting from now on, they’re meeting at the Institute for Advanced Learning & Research.

BREAKING: RIFA has been awarded a $2.62 million grant from the Tobacco Commission to get a rail spur ready in the Berry Hill Industrial Park for Project Lignum. That’s the wood pellet plant. Money won’t be spent until a definite deal is signed.

The wood pellet plant would create 80 jobs and $120 million in investment.

The board approves a resolution to let Mountain Valley Pipeline look at areas in the Berry Hill Industrial Park to extend the end of their proposed natural gas pipeline to Rockingham & Alamance counties in North Carolina.

The RIFA board has entered closed session, so they’ve lowered the Cone Of Silence window shades.

1 PM – The closed session continues.

1:25 PM – The same. Yawn. I’m 99% confident that nothing will happen after the closed session finally ends, but I’ll stick around anyway.

And we’re done. I’ll have an announcement right after 4 PM.


1 comment to RIFA – LIVE! (5/14/18)

  • Barbara Hudson

    RIFA board still getting fed at taxpayer’s expense.
    After all the millions shelled out, putting in an environmentally unfriendly, stink- emitting pellet plant should be very happy news for surrounding homeowners. Not the BOS is planning another RIFA in the north of the county. Watch out: our taxes and waste fees will go waaaay up. Now waste fee will be $12/month, payable all upfront. $120. plus the increased assessments on real estate with new appraisals gone way up, too. My 18 year old house, built in 2006, suddenly sprang more square footage in this year’s assessment, while the footprint of the house hasn’t changed. Gotta give them credit for all their scams, in Pittslvania county politics.

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