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Maurice Lovern hates me!

And I’m perfectly fine with that. I get a lot of hate mail because I’m opinionated and don’t back down from anything or anybody. But I’ve got one person who’s losing his mind over hating me.

I’ve been very strong in defending the Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services against attacks from the Usual Suspects. Henry Hurt has an interesting tendency to post “news stories” about the DSS affair without presenting all the facts. I’m glad to jump in at times and present the facts. Unfortunately, some people just don’t like the truth (nor the way I say it). But this Maurice Lovern guy has really got it in for me. You’ll either laugh or cringe. Maybe both.


I’ve been threatened to a fight by two people so far (Patrick Gray and Ronnie Reynolds). Jim Scearce (Ron Scearce’s brother) has been obsessed with me that he’s claimed I’m bald and short. Seriously. Even to the point of bringing a tape measure to a Social Services board meeting and measuring my height. Again, seriously. This is the ridiculous behavior that these people will go to try to hurt me.

It doesn’t work, by the way. But now, I’m going to fight back and show you the kind of things that this Maurice Lovern does in his obsession with me. Take a look at this. Vic Ingram was cleared of professional misconduct charges recently. I hadn’t mentioned those allegations, but that didn’t stop Henry Hurt and his “friends” from calling my name out in the discussion. I calmly said in the discussion that I hand’t mentioned those allegations and I was more focused on the potential civil defamation suits that could be filed. Maurice Lovern apparently couldn’t handle that and he said this…

Wow. Seriously (yet again). According to this guy, “no one cares to be around” me. That’s news to my friends and acquaintances, but I just laughed at Lovern’s rabid hatred of me that he just pulled out of his butt.


But wait, there’s more! I’m doing a major lifestyle change, and occasionally I post selfie photos and give updates to my vast network of friends (you know, the ones that don’t care to be around me”. I do this on my own personal Facebook page, so I was quite surprised that good ol’ rabid Maurice had taken the time to look at my Facebook page and put a “haha” reaction to it.

Now you’re getting into serious stalker behavior, folks. But it doesn’t matter nor scare me one bit. Maurice is now calling me “flabby arms”. Let me tell you, my arms aren’t flabby. It’s crap like that just motivates me even more to keep my defense of the PCDSS office up and to keep pushing the truth.

I’ve been challenged. I’ve been threatened. But I can take care of myself, and it would be a very bad decision for somebody to actually attempt any kind of physical attack on me.

I love and live for people like Maurice Lovern who have to stalk things that I do just to try to insult and hurt me. As said above… it doesn’t work one bit. But I do hope that you see what somebody like Lovern is capable of. And that’s just sad.

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