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Thumbs! (11/30/19)

SouthsideCentral has been upgraded to the new version of WordPress, so let’s try it out with some Thumbs!

UP! is good. DOWN! is bad. Let’s catch up with some things and see where our Thumbs! are going…

  • Thumbs UP! to Grizzly’s Hatchet House! It’s a creative idea for fun and some physical recreation with friends, and you’ll be surprised on how easy it is to do. Well worth the money. And let’s give a well-deserved Thumbs DOWN! to the Usual Suspects who just swore it was a bad idea and people’s heads would be chopped off and displayed on the walls.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the passing of the Somethin’ Special restaurant on Danville’s Ridge Street! Yeah, I knew it was doomed with the horrible location and lack of advertising. But damn, the fried catfish was good. Everything was good. Except the location, the hours and the lack of advertising.
  • Thumbs UP! to Cocoa Trail Chocolates. They’re still a mystery to a lot of Danville people, but their store behind the currently blown-up Sheetz is doing great. They’ve got a pop-up shop in the Piedmont Danville Mall through Christmas and it’s getting a lot of exposure for their amazing hand made chocolates. 
  • Thumbs UP! to Danville & Pittsylvania County’s economic development teams (and the Southern Virginia Regional Alliance)! They’re getting it done and there’s a lot more coming. A lot more. It’s fun to watch the Usual Suspects try to come up with their usual negative comments while their heads are exploding at the good news/

And there you go… a new real SouthsideCentral article! More to come here too!

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