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RandomThoughts! (1/27/20)

Anybody can have organized thoughts. SouthsideCentral specializes in RandomThoughts!

I need a Big Board!

  • Sheetz is trolling the entire region by not reopening until Wednesday (the 29th) and not blocking off their parking lot. Yesterday, I watched a car try three different gas pumps before walking to the building and reading the sign.
  • I am forced to judge you if your business name consists of just initials and what you do. Creativity goes a long way in marketing your own business.
  • Cocoa Trail Chocolates. Both at the Danville Mall and in the small center behind Sheetz. Yes, you can afford hand-made chocolates and other goodies. You will absolutely get hooked on them, and that’s a good thing.
  • Danville’s Southwyck Plaza shopping center is the most depressing looking shopping center in the region. It’s taken the top spot from the Ballou Park shopping center.
  • Riverside Centre’s semi-new video display board says “Riverside Center”. Whoops.
  • The deceased Kmart’s parking lot has now added a plastic fence to go with all of the chained-off entrances. Now THAT’S the way to make it look when you’re trying to sell or lease that property. Sheesh!

I’m thought out. Or out of thoughts. Or both. We’ve got more coming up here on SouthsideCentral!

2 comments to RandomThoughts! (1/27/20)

  • Ed

    Why would a viable Presidential Candidate secretly come into town and have a Grand Opening of his local office on a Friday night during dinner time and on Valentines Day at that?
    I surmise it is because he doesn’t want anyone to realize he is invading. He definitely isn’t wanted here! Oh and another funny thing is they were giving away hot dogs. Hot Dogs for Valentines dinner lol!!!

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