SouthsideCentral is glad to publish the opening campaign statements for all local candidates. Now, we’ll hear from Lee Vogler.
Vice Mayor Lee Vogler Announces Re-Election Campaign
Today, I am officially announcing my campaign to seek re-election to the Danville City Council. These are very important times for our city, and I feel I still have much to contribute on our path forward.
Eight years ago, I ran for City Council because I wanted to put forward new ideas and be a voice for the people. I was honored to receive such strong support, becoming the youngest person ever elected to the Danville City Council. Then in 2016, the people of Danville joined our cause again, giving our campaign the most votes of any candidate running that year. In 2018, my colleagues on Council gave me the great honor of serving as Vice Mayor, becoming the youngest person to ever do so in Danville.
I’ve been fortunate to be in a position these past eight years where I could bring about real, positive change for our community. From proposing the bike share program that has been enjoyed by thousands, to proposing the mobile-device website where people now report their power outages, I have put forward new ideas to move our city forward.
Just this past year alone, we did the following:
✅led the charge and made paid parental leave a reality for city employees
✅passed a data center tax cut, now the lowest rate in VA
✅made free bus service on Election Day a reality
✅made school supplies for parking fines a reality
✅led the effort for creation of a city employee health clinic, saving taxpayers an estimated $170,000 over 5 years & has a 97% satisfaction rate from employees
✅increased funding for public safety, crime is down significantly
✅led the effort to reduce burdensome regulations, making Danville more AirBNB & home-based business friendly
✅created a land bank to help reduce blight
✅increased funding for our schools
✅Numerous economic development announcements, resulting in the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 20 years
I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished, but I’m even more excited about what we can do next. I’m a strong advocate for our small businesses and, if re-elected, will continue to do everything in my power to help them. One way I hope to do that is by eliminating government mandated parking minimums that place unnecessary burdens on our local businesses.
I will continue to be a strong supporter of our public safety employees, as public safety is the most fundamental responsibility of a local government. For many years, I fought for the community policing strategy that is now showing very promising results in our city.
Danville’s most precious resource is our children, and I will always fight for them. Whether through volunteering at community events, like the Harry Johnson Holiday Classic, or making sure our schools have the resources necessary for our children to succeed, their future remains a top priority for me.
I promised the citizens of Danville that I would be the most accessible Councilman our city has ever had. In the past eight years, I’ve worked very hard to live up to that promise. I was the first Danville City Councilman to list their Facebook page on their business card. I communicate regularly with citizens on various social media platforms, as well as e-mail and other traditional methods. In addition to this, I’ve held several town halls and attended neighborhood meetings. If re-elected, citizens can rest assured I will continue to be available to them.
I’m sure there has been a vote or two I’ve taken along the way that you may not have agreed with. My hope, however, is that people will know that I’ve always done what I felt, in my heart, was right for Danville. I love this city. It’s always been my home and always will be. My wife, Blair, and I are raising our two kids: Kingston and Ava here because we believe in the future of Danville. We are the Comeback City.
Not long ago, our unemployment rate was over 16%. Today it’s under 5%, the lowest it’s been in almost 20 years. Not long ago, our downtown was an embarrassment. Today, it’s a success story receiving national praise. Not long ago, crime was worse than it had ever been. Today, it’s rapidly declining, as much as 70% in some categories. Not long ago, a young man barely out of college with a funny last name asked for your vote for City Council. Today, he’s proud to be Vice Mayor of the Comeback City and is hoping to earn your vote again on May 5! Join our team at:

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