SouthsideCentral is glad to publish all campaign announcements for the local elections. Let’s hear from Sheila Baynes!
Sheila Baynes announced this week her candidacy for Danville City Council in the upcoming election on May 5.
“I believe Danville is ready for a change and I am here to flip the switch and facilitate that change.”
Baynes aims to lead growth throughout the city in the coming years.
“Danville has seen tremendous strides under the direction of Telly Tucker and the Office of Economic Development,” Baynes explained. “Now that he has moved on to Arlington, it is more important now than ever that we take our fates into our own hands and build upon past successes outside of our beautiful River District and making the rest of the city into a successful model for others in the Commonwealth of Virginia to follow.”
If elected, Baynes is committed to serving the public and working to increase access to public services for the elderly, disabled, and traditionally underserved members in the community.
“The only way we will move forward is together. That means being courageous enough to face the unique realities and challenges of our region and then strengthening each other to overcome them. That is my vision for the future of Danville,” Baynes explained.
Baynes’ commitment to her community is evident through her many volunteer and professional affiliations, including Leadership Southside XXII with the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce, Middle Border Forward Fellowship Alumni, Class of 2017, Danville Community College Board member and past chair, Haven of the Dan River Region chair, and the Riverview Rotary Board as public relations director.
“In my daily activities, my first thoughts are about how I can make a difference in my community. I have seen, many times and in many different ways, how much difference a small change can make as it ripples throughout our city. Knowing this, we can all do good every day, and we can trust that our efforts are for the greater good of our friends, our families, and our neighbors,” Baynes said.
Baynes was honored to be recognized for her commitment and service as a recipient of the 2018 Showcase Magazine Community Strong Person of the Year Award.
She has also won awards for Parent Teacher Association Leadership and is a former Little League Coach. Other volunteer efforts include many non-profits such as Bridge to Bridge, Shrimpfest, River District Association, Racin’ and Tastin’, and others.
“I am looking forward to seeing many of you again as we come together to make Danville into all of the wonderful things we know it can be,” Baynes said. “I am excited to be on this journey with you.”
Authorized by Sheila Baynes for City Council

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