We’re wrapping up two weeks of election overtime, so it’s time to get the SouthsideCentral endorsements out for the Danville City Council election. Nine candidates, five seats and all five incumbents running for another term. Let’s make these endorsements happen.
We’re going a little off the board with these endorsements. But this has been an off the board election, so it’s only right. Let’s start at the top.
- Lee Vogler – Lee’s always impressed me with his devotion to the city, his words & actions, and his fun attitude as a person while still being one of nine city council members. After eight years, he’s made it to the vice-mayor position by using all of those things listed above. Lee has developed a good rapport with all levels of government and has shown himself to be very capable of makings things happen. He’s willing to be the front man on initiatives while simultaneously being the hype man of the council. He’s done a great job in eight years and city council, and he’s not going to stop doing that in the next four years.
SouthsideCentral gives Lee Vogler our highest endorsement and we strongly urge voters to re-elect him to a third term on Danville City Council. - Fred Shanks – At times, Fred irks the hell out of me. But then I realize that he’s the best councilman at knowing everything and the background of what’s going on. So I get over being irked quickly and fall back into the Fred Shanks Appreciation society. He’s looking for years 13 to 16 on council (fourth term), and people like Fred are the reason I’ll never support term limits. He’s been the chairman of the Planning Commission. He’s the king of engineering and stormwater knowledge. Fred’s the all-around top of the line when it comes to being what a council member should be. So this time, he’s at the highest level of the SouthsideCentral endorsement scale and he deserves it.
SouthsideCentral gives Fred Shanks our highest endorsement and we strongly urge voters to re-elect him to a fourth term on Danville City Council. - Madison Whittle – I didn’t know what to expect from four years of Madison Whittle on council. It could have ranged from a disaster to a complete success. We got the success part on that scale. Madison’s weighed in with his business & financial knowledge plenty of times and he’s the king of that domain on council. Madison’s one of the few people where I know exactly where he will stand on an issue with no doubt. And that’s a good thing. A very good thing. In his second term on council, I expect Madison to get into more of a leadership position, advocating for any changes that need to happen. And the more leadership he shows, the better he’ll be. I didn’t know what to expect for these first four years, but I know what to expect now. And Madison will do just that.
SouthsideCentral gives Madison Whittle our highest endorsement and we strongly urge voters to re-elect him to a second term on Danville City Council. - Larry Campbell – Larry is the equivalent of a Supreme Court Clarence Thomas. He’s usually quiet and when he does speak, he’s listened to. Larry’s council strength is his ability to work behind the scenes and get to the bottom of things before you even notice there’s “a thing”. That’s one of the most underrated skills that a council member can have, and Larry’s got that down perfect. Larry is in touch with the community and is always willing to engage with citizens even if they’re diametrically opposed to him. Larry deserves a fourth term on council.
SouthsideCentral gives Larry Campbell our strong endorsement and we urge voters to re-elect him to a third term on Danville City Council. - Sherman Saunders – Sherman returned to the regular seats on council four years ago after a long run as mayor, and he adjusted to it just fine (as I expected him to do). Sherman’s adjustment made his “rough side” come out more in both regular and work sessions, and that was a welcome surprise. He had to be constrained as mayor and with that gone, he’s came out as a loud voice. Loud voices are needed and welcomed. I’ve honestly forgotten how many terms Sherman has served, but he’s the choice for another one.
SouthsideCentral gives Sherman Saunders our strong endorsement and we urge voters to re-elect him to another term on Danville City Council.
That’s five endorsement for five seats. But I’m not finished yet and here’s why.
- Sheila Baynes – Sheila can’t catch an election break. Her first run was against a huge field and she was just drowned out by that chaos and strong incumbents. Her second run went rather well and she came within less than 100 votes of knocking off an incumbent. Now, her third run is being handicapped by the virus situation. That’s not her fault. Sheila really impressed me with her transformation from left field into a person who does amazing things for the community. Eight years ago, I’d never consider her for public office because she was… well “out there”. Today, I consider Sheila very qualified for public office and wouldn’t mind seeing her on city council at all. The ability to change one’s attitude and persona impresses me. Her campaign has focused on her being the only woman in the race, and that was a bad decision. I will never base my selections on whether somebody has internal or external plumbing, and you shouldn’t either. I make my selections on the qualifications & character of the person. Sheila is strong on both of those aspects. So I’m making a rare extra endorsement in this race…
SouthsideCentral endorses Sheila Baynes for Danville City Council. We ask that you see that she’s qualified for the position when you cast your vote and consider her for your ballot.
And there you go. 5 + 1 endorsements may be strange, but it’s fitting for such a strange election.

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