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Giant Book Sale to open in Lynchburg

It’s only a temporary store but they will be open for the rest of the year.


Employee complaints bring union rumors to Swedwood

What a crappy potential development. I bet economic development people in the SouthsideCentral area are recoiling in horror.


Mega-Park energy plant: Haven’t we been here before?

There’s a giant buzz in the SouthsideCentral area about the proposed energy plant that might locate in the new industrial park. Until a contract is signed, I’m not going to believe it. Here’s why.


Goodyear and USW extend contract for four weeks.

Did anybody think that they would actually go out on strike with the economy the way it is?

Farm Bureau Insurance donates to Halifax County’s National Night Out

The folks at Farm Bureau Insurance in Centerville make another nice donation to a great cause.


Horrible timing award!

SouthsideCentral got multiple suggestions about this one. It’s funny yet sad at the same time.


Danville Main St. Post Office building for sale

Wouldn’t you like to own a federal court and a post office?


“The Matrix” youth center to open tonight in Danville

Looks like it’s time for a brand new attempt at giving teens something to do in Danville!


(Official?) Happy Trails, Teen Zone!

Looks like Danville’s teen club is officially no longer around.


E. Coli confirmed in Nestle’s Danville plant

Yum yum! Yuck Yuck!

Payday loan business is collapsing in VA

Good riddance.

Unions is the cwaizziest peoples!

They had a strike against the company 3 years ago and their leaders bargained themselves into closing one facility. Earlier this year, “saving our ass” trumped over “union brotherhood” and they voted overwhelmingly for job cuts and pay concessions to save the local plant from closing. So, with Goodyear’s future in Danville not a sure […]

E-Coli cookie dough? Yum Yum Eat it up!

They’re gonna “temporarily layoff” 275 people. Am I the only one who feels that they’re taking advantage of the system?


Happy Trails, Knight-Celotex!

The former US Gypsum plant in Danville has closed.

Return To Roots – A great idea!

Is it time to come home to Southside VA? There are plenty of jobs available in the area.


That’s Dinnertainment!

Greensboro’s got a great place for a good dinner and a play. It’s well worth the admission for dinner & a play.


Bronx Boy Bagels – Awesome restaurant!

Make your way to downtown Danville for one of the best restaurants in the Southside area.


Elizabeth Edwards to open furniture store

Yeah. I know this is a lame story, but there’s a snarky comment that makes it all worthwhile.


Apple’s data center to be built in North Carolina

That’s what happens when the state legislature votes to give them a $300,000,000 tax break…

Berry Hill Inn’s next big attraction idea…

Anybody wanna guess? Here’s a clue: “If they hadn’t asked to be annexed into the town, they wouldn’t have had to ask.”


Radford price-gouger gets his punishment

$5.79 for a gallon of gas?

Dance Hall Days (The South Boston version)

Sobo’s Main Theater was a great business idea… too bad that the business failed. Now a “dance hall”?


Pittsylvania County Economic Development announcement tomorrow

Is something brewing in Pittsylvania County? New industry? New business?
