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Located at 714 N. Main St. , this imposing stucco home commands the intersection of Worsham St. and N. Main St. on the eastern side. Located directly next to the Tot-Spot Daycare Center, this home has been the location of the Whitfield family ( think the city attorney) for many years. Originally a lot was […]
Travis Hackworth tells us another story of Danville history…
Travis Hackworth takes an amazing in-depth look at one of the events that has influenced Danville…
Travis Hackworth has got an idea on how merge two problems into one solution…
Editor’s Note: SouthsideCentral is proud to welcome Travis Hackworth as a contributor to the website. Travis is a history major (from Averett) and has a Master’s degree (from American Military University) . I’ve been very impressed with Travis’ in-depth knowledge and research of Danville’s history and I look forward to him writing more articles here […]
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