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OddsMakers! (A Very Special Edition) – 5/28/20

An OddsMakers on one specific topic? With all four options that are the only possibilities that could happen? With content that will make some people uncomfortable and probably upset? What are the chances? 100%, baby. Let’s play.


RandomThoughts! (1/27/20)

Anybody can have organized thoughts. SouthsideCentral specializes in RandomThoughts!


BreakDown: The Second “Second Amendment Sanctuary” Showdown

Oh lordy. Here we go again. We had another Danville City Council night of fun & hijinks regarding gun rights resolutions. Something finally happened, but how did it happen, why did it happen and what does it all mean? Let’s take a comprehensive look and analysis of what did actually happen. We call that […]

BreakDown: The “Second Amendment Sanctuary” Showdown

I honestly never thought I’d be watching a Danville City Council related issue that was more bizarre & surreal that the idiotic Confederate Flag stuff. BUT WAIT… THERE”S MORE! Ugh. Let’s take a comprehensive look at what the heck is happening, has happened and will happen on this brouhaha (with that being a sad […]

RandomThoughts! (1/3/20)

Let’s think randomly!


OddsMakers! (1/1/20)

Well, well. Let’s get the new year started with a SouthsideCentral favorite that hasn’t been seen for 3.5 years. It’s OddsMakers! What are the chances?


BreakDown: Danville Ain’t Broke!

Do you think that the City of Danville is broke? Have you heard that Danville City Council is irresponsible with Danville’s money? Have you read a Usual Suspect saying that Danville will be bankrupt in less than five years? Tell them they’re full of horsecrap and to go fark off.

Let’s take an detailed look […]

Thumbs! (11/30/19)

SouthsideCentral has been upgraded to the new version of WordPress, so let’s try it out with some Thumbs!


Let’s Talk… to the source about Rosie’s.

It’s time to get some questions answered from the spokesman for Rosie’s.


Thumbs! (6/1/19)

Holy crap! I’ve got a new laptop and ready to write some. How about some Thumbs! to get something going? Tough. You’re getting them anyway, Let’s play.

Thumbs UP! to Dustin Pierce and the crew at C&D Family Pawn. They got me a great price on a laptop and helped jumpstart SouthsideCentral yet again. […]

RandomThoughts! (5/22/18)

I’ve been thinking. Beware.


RandomThoughts! (11/5/17)

This is an easy article format, so you’re getting another one. Heh.


RandomThoughts! (1/18/17)

I’ve got a new computer. I’ve got a new phone. Crap just got real.

Let’s think randomly.


RandomThoughts! (11/28/16)

Hey! SouthsideCentral is on a new server and with an upgraded hosting package! Yeah, I know you don’t care. Heh.

Let’s think randomly!


RandomThoughts! (11/2/16)

There’s a reason that the word “Random” is in “RandomThoughts!”


Thumbs! (11/1/16)

SouthsideCentral is back, baby! (Well, we hope so at least.) We’ve worked out a new schedule to get articles written and we’ll see how good it goes over the next few weeks.

Let’s kick it off with some Thumbs! Are they UP? Or are they DOWN? Let’s find out…


UPDATED: Thumbs! (10/12/16)

(Editor’s Note: I’m flagging this in the “Errors & Omissions” category because I’m retracting some comments that I made in one of the items.)

What I got is what you want. If you want Thumbs!, that is.


RandomThoughts! (9/30/16)

It’s late on a Thursday night and I’m thinking randomly…


QuickHits! (9/4/16)

Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye over the last week. Sunday is QuickHits day!


BreakDown: The Police Report On The Recent GWHS Fight

So there was a fight between students in Danville’s George Washington High School cafeteria on Monday morning. That much is clear. What actually happened during and after the fight is completely unclear, but we’re working on finding that out.

By the way, I’d like to give special thanks to Jessica Griffith for doing the legwork […]

RandomThoughts! (8/30/16)

I’m thinking randomly. Watch out.


QuickHits! (8/28/16)

Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye over the last week. Sunday is QuickHits day!


QuickHits! (8/21/16)

Let’s take a look at the headlines that have caught my eyes over the last week or so. Sunday is QuickHits! day.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (8/15/16)

Our Roving Reporters are great at finding Parking Jerks… even at Myrtle Beach!


Ask SouthsideCentral: The Big Bathroom Question

There’s a new restroom building at the top part of Danville’s Main Street Plaza, and we’re going to answer a reader’s question on why it’s not open yet.

Let’s Ask SouthsideCentral!
