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Robert Hurt decided not to run for a fourth term in the 5th District US House of Representatives, so it’s now Silly Season to see who’ll be his Republican nominee replacement in November 2016’s election. We’ve got a list of 9 Republicans (or at least likely Republicans) who have either declared their candidacy for the […]
We did a Food Chain! on the candidates for the Republican 5th District nomination ten weeks ago, so it’s time for an update. This time, we’ll promise to get all seven candidates in there the first time. 😉
We made it six days without a political article, so let’s get everybody upset at us with our first “Food Chain!” that ranks the candidates for Virginia’s Republican nomination for the 5th district.
Let’s kick off another (shamelessly borrowed from PTI) new feature at SouthsideCentral. “Food Chain” is where we rank things on a Big Board. The best rise to the top of the Food Chain while the rest are ranked lower. It doesn’t have to be about food, but this first one will definitely be about food… […]
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