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LeonardWatch: So Close, And Yet So Wrong

It takes skill to be so close to a situation and still get everything totally wrong. Well, maybe not skill. How about incompetence and the fact that you’re pretty much hated by most people?

Yeah, we’ll go with that instead.


LeonardWatch: Mean Ol’ Buddy Rawley!

Leonard Harville got his feelings hurt at Tuesday night’s Danville City Council meeting when Buddy Rawley called him out for being a liar and being unprofessional.

Damn. The truth hurts.


YouCentral: Leonard Harville’s Reply

Here at SouthsideCentral, we strongly encourage replies and feedback to our articles. We’re glad to publish any replies that are directed to us. In this YouCentral article, Leonard Harville replied to about our latest LeonardWatch article about him disclosing a potential child abuse situation before the police arrived on scene.


LeonardWatch: Being First Is Being A Jerk

Our favorite muckraking moron may have given potential child abusers a head start to escape a police encounter. Seriously.


LeonardWatch: Give HIM the finger!

I’ll give you the synopsis of this LeonardWatch article here in the opening… “Leonard Harville has greatly exaggerated a relatively minor incident and made things up that didn’t happen. Yet again, his ‘reporting’ is full of crap.”


LeonardWatch: He Wants To See Cops Hurt

You’ve got serious problems when you hope to get a photo of a police officer getting injured.


LeonardWatch: The Tunstall Boycott

Watch out, Tunstall Fire Department. If you don’t tell Leonard Harville exactly what he wants when he wants it, he’s going to stomp his feet and POOF! you. Seriously.


LeonardWatch: You can’t teach him anything.

Our favorite POOFster BEGONEs someone just because they pointed out that he is stupid and gullible.


LeonardWatch: Mall Madness

Leonard could be correct about this one. Yeah, right.


LeonardWatch: Facts? Nah, Just Make Stuff Up!

Last time, we showed you how Leonard Harville published wrong information based on photos sent in by one of his friends. Today, we’ll show you how he makes things up completely on his own.


LeonardWatch: Don’t be Missunderstood

If you’re going to “report” “breaking news” with the “help” of your “friends”, get it “right”.


LeonardWatch: Leave Leonard Alone!

This kind of horrible behavior must stop. Immediately. I’m being serious. Cut it out.


LeonardWatch: I’m gonna sue Bruce!

Leonard Harville has sought legal counsel that has agreed to take me to court. Oh, I’m so scared.


LeonardWatch: “Why Won’t They Tell Me?!”

It’s none of your damned business.


LeonardWatch: Oh, that look.

Hey, lookie! It’s a brand new SouthsideCentral feature!

Leonard Harville is a good photographer. Unfortunately, he tries to be a reporter too. That doesn’t work very well. His guessing at facts, making them up, and his conspiracy theory horsecrap makes things bad… real bad. I’ve got a network of friends that are now helping me […]