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Let’s Talk… to the source about Rosie’s.

It’s time to get some questions answered from the spokesman for Rosie’s.


Let’s talk about the mall and the bus stop situation…

You start with a small issue. Hyperbolic community outage and social media make this issue grow larger than it should. A tone-deaf upper management statement turns the entire situation into a dumpster fire. Hoo boy.

Let’s talk some common sense about Danville Mall’s decision to not allow the city’s bus service to stop on mall […]

Let’s talk about Kathy Farley…

I’ve always believed that one’s true religion is what you personally believe, and that organized religion isn’t for everybody… but that’s not what this article is about. Today, it was a case of “Hate the sin, love the sinner” in United States Federal Court today. Kathy Farley pleaded guilty to four federal charges, and it […]

Let’s Talk: The Halifax County Recall Effort

We haven’t had a straight up opinion piece in a while here on SouthsideCentral, so we’re dusting off the “Let’s Talk” category and getting one done.

Today, a recall effort was officially started in Halifax County. The goal is to get Bryant Claiborne, Lottie Nunn, Barry Bank and Larry Giordano recalled from office. It’s a […]

Let’s talk about the Danville School Superintendent Search…

Let’s do an overview of what’s happened, what’s going to happen, and what’s not going to happen.


Let’s talk about the “Purge” rumors…

It’s over. Nothing happened. Let’s sit back and analyze what happened.


Let’s talk about the Ed Newsome situation…

Danville school superintendent Ed Newsome almost got fired last night. Nobody else will report it, but SouthsideCentral will. He somehow pulled himself out of the fire and the school took no action after 6 hours worth of meetings. Let’s talk about what happened…


Let’s talk about the Albert Randolph situation…

So that happened. Halifax County High School Principal Albert Randolph has been reinstated to his position.

“Let’s talk” about what happened and let’s tell it like it is…


Let’s talk about the grocery store petition drive…

I like good ideas that have a decent chance of working but this ain’t one of ’em. “Let’s talk” about it…


Let’s talk about the coal ash spill…

It’ s another case of actual reality having to take precedence before virtual reality, but SouthsideCentral rolls on…

As most people know, there was a spill of coal ash from a Duke Energy power plant near Eden, NC. The coal ash and related waste spilled into the Dan River and has been making its way […]

Let’s talk about Bonner middle school’s problems…

During our hiatus, the crap hit the fan once some teachers started talking about the problems that have been happening at Danville’s Bonner Middle School. The Register & Bee newspaper did an excellent job at investigative reporting in a series of articles, and the school system has been dancing around with the resolution to the […]

Let’s (not) talk about sex (businesses)

The apathy of Pittsylvania County residents fails to surprise me yet again.
