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QuickHits! (2/8/2015)

Sunday is QuickHits! day, where I’ll share some articles that have caught my eye over the past week. Let’s get it started.


RottenReporting: Because I Said So!

The Sonic Drive-In in Reidsville has closed. Let’s take a look at the local TV coverage and find some RottenReporting.


BreakDown: Halifax County’s BrokenDown Board of Supervisors

We’re in rare territory here. I’m doing a BreakDown on something that’s already broken down. Let’s put Monday night’s Halifax County Board of Supervisors meeting into the BreakDown machine. It ain’t gonna be pretty.


QuickHits! (2/1/2015)

Sunday is QuickHits! day. Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye this past week.


Facebook Trainwreck Spotting!

Everybody just can’t help but look at a big trainwreck!

We get a lot of submissions to our SouthsideCentral email (southsidecentral AT southsidecentral DOT com) and we try to use as many as we can. We’re going to look at a complaint about a local restaurant that quickly devolved into a trainwreck with people making […]

Thumbs! (1/30/2015)

Did you notice that our Thumbs! are now color-coded? Oooooooohhhh, pretty!


RandomThoughts! (1/28/2015)

RandomThoughts can be organized. They can also be interesting.


QuickHits! (1/25/2015)

It’s Sunday, and that means it’s time for another QuickHits! article. Let’s take a look at some of the stories around the region that have caught my eye in the last few weeks.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (1/18/2015)

This Parking Jerk is looking out for #1.


BreakDown: The Halifax County Stalemate

BreakDown articles are in-depth articles where I analyze and comment on what’s really happening. They’re opinion based, and I strongly encourage criticism and opposing viewpoints. I’m expecting to ruffle a few feathers on this one.

After going over the latest developments in the Halifax County Board of Supervisors deadlock over naming a new chairman, I’ve […]

RandomThoughts! (1/17/2015)

If I’m thinking it, odds are you that you are as well. RandomThoughts time!


LeonardWatch: The Tunstall Boycott

Watch out, Tunstall Fire Department. If you don’t tell Leonard Harville exactly what he wants when he wants it, he’s going to stomp his feet and POOF! you. Seriously.


Thumbs! (1/12/2015)

You want my Thumbs! I know you do. Heh Heh.


Time Machine: South Boston YMCA Hilarity

We’re only going back three months in the SouthsideCentral time machine trip. Hey, Marcus Hargrave?


SouthsideSeven: Andy Rice

Halifax County’s Andy Rice is going to be directing Halifax County Little Theatre‘s spring production! Let’s sit him down in the SouthsideSeven chair.


BreakDown: Halifax County’s Board of Jackass Supervisors

In Pittsylvania County, we had a well-deserved shift of power. In Martinsville, we had a surprise change of power. In Halifax County, we had a stubborn Board of Supervisors who set a new record for dysfunctional stupidity. Let’s look at it in this BreakDown…


RandomThoughts! (1/9/2015)

Let’s all think about this… randomly!


BreakDown: Martinsville’s Mayoral Election

We had lots of political surprises in the Southside region yesterday. We did a BreakDown on what happened in Pittsylvania County, and now we’re going to do one for Martinsville.


BreakDown: Pittsylvania County BoS Organizational Meeting

We made our predictions for Chairman of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors yesterday and we were comfortable with them until around 2PM today. That’s when we started figuring out that things weren’t as they appeared to be. Let’s do a BreakDown on what happened and what it means…


LeonardWatch: You can’t teach him anything.

Our favorite POOFster BEGONEs someone just because they pointed out that he is stupid and gullible.


QuickHits! (1/4/2015)

It’s time for the weekly edition of QuickHits! Let’s take a look at some stories around the area that have caught my eye this week.


ReportCard! – Economic Development

School’s out but SouthsideCentral is still filling out ReportCards. Today, we’re grading economic development efforts around the region.


LeonardWatch: Mall Madness

Leonard could be correct about this one. Yeah, right.


Who’s #1? – Biggest Horsecrap Stories Of 2014 (Part 2)

Anyone can do a countdown of the year’s biggest stories. Only SouthsideCentral can get away with counting down the year’s biggest horsecrap stories. We went from #6 to #4 in Part One, so let’s find out Who’s #1!


Who’s #1? – Biggest Horsecrap Stories Of 2014 (Part 1)

Some things just never turn out to be as big as they’re originally hyped that they will be. Let’s do the first part of a countdown of Horsecrap Things that happened in the Southside region in 2014… that turned out to be pretty much nothing.
