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RottenReporting: Machine Machines

The Department of Redundancy Department is on Line 2.


QuickHits! (12/28/2014)

Let’s take a look around the internet and see some stories that have caught my eye. It’s QuickHits! time.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (12/27/2014)

What’s better than getting the first parking space closest to the store?

RandomThoughts! (12/26/2014)

My goodness, the last RandomThoughts article was on Dec 3rd. I am thinking. I am thinking randomly.


OddsMakers! (12/25/2014)

Who pulled the big chalkboard out of the closet? Ho Ho Ho! Christmas Day OddsMakers!


Thumbs! (12/24/2014)

If you’re naughty, it’s a Thumbs DOWN!… but if you’re nice, it’s a Thumbs UP!


QuickHits! (12/21/2014)

It’s Sunday! That means it’s time for some QuickHits… stories that have caught my eye over the past week.


BreakDown – Danville City Council Meeting (12/16/2014)

We told you what happened at Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting. Let’s do a BreakDown and go in-depth to analyze it.


BreakDown: Danville School Board (12/18/2014 Meeting)

We still owe you a BreakDown from Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting, but Thursday’s Danville School Board meeting takes precedence because the new superintendent was announced. Let’s analyze what happened in a BreakDown.


QuickHits! (12/14/14)

Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye over the past week…


Thumbs! (The Holiday Special Edition)

It’s beginning to look a lot like Thumbsmas!


Parking Jerk of the Day! (12/6/2014)

That headline is misleading. We’ve got Parking JerkS… and they’re in the same place.


BreakDown: Danville City Council (12/2/2014 Meeting)

We told you what happened at Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting and we did it LIVE! Now let’s analyze it in more detail. Let’s do a BreakDown.


Thumbs! (The No-Shave November Special Edition)

I’ll tell you right now. They’re all Thumbs UP!


Time Machine: From South Boston to Tazewell… and Bust!

Let’s hop in the SouthsideCentral Time Machine and go back to July 16, 2001. It will end up in Tazewell County, but our visit starts in South Boston.


RandomThoughts! (12/3/2014)

Hey you! RandomThoughts! Now!


LeonardWatch: Facts? Nah, Just Make Stuff Up!

Last time, we showed you how Leonard Harville published wrong information based on photos sent in by one of his friends. Today, we’ll show you how he makes things up completely on his own.


QuickHits! (11/30/2014)

It’s Sunday, and that means it’s time for QuickHits! Here’s some news and feature stories that have caught my eye lately.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (11/29/2014)

We’re sneaking our Saturday Parking Jerk of the Day feature in under the wire. You can either look at the beautiful sunset or look at the horrible Parking Jerk…


RandomThoughts! (11/29/2014)

You know, Thoughts are a lot of fun when they’re Random.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (11/26/2014)

Hey, it’s a slow news week. But that’s never stopped a Parking Jerk!

Thumbs! (11/26/2014)

What time is it? Thumbs! time.


QuickHits! (11/23/2014)

Let’s take a look at some stories that have caught my eye lately. It’s time for some QuickHits!


BreakDown: Danville United Meeting (11/20/2014)

I was wrong and I have changed my mind. Let’s do a BreakDown on Thursday night’s Danville United meeting.


BreakDown: Danville City Council (11/18/2014)

We told you what happened at Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting LIVE!, but let’s do a BreakDown on what really happened.
