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ReportCard! – Danville School Board

We just finished a ReportCard! for Danville City Council for June 1st until now, so it’s only fair that the school board gets the same treatment.


ReportCard! – Danville City Council (10/18/14)

It’s been almost five months since the newest version of Danville City Council started working. I think it’s time for their first SouthsideCentral ReportCard! on how they’ve done since June 1st.


RandomThoughts! (10/15/2014)

Maybe it was the flu, maybe it wasn’t. I dunno. I’m baaaaaaaaaaack!


Warner/Gillespie Joint Appearance – LIVE! (10/14/2014)

We’ve completely rewrote this article and have added a BreakDown at the end. This article is complete.

SouthsideCentral is LIVE! at tonight’s Mark Warner & Ed Gillespie joint appearance at the Institute. Be sure to refresh this page often for the latest happenings, photos, and commentary.

Tonight’s event starts at 7 PM. Our LIVE! coverage […]

LeonardWatch: Oh, that look.

Hey, lookie! It’s a brand new SouthsideCentral feature!

Leonard Harville is a good photographer. Unfortunately, he tries to be a reporter too. That doesn’t work very well. His guessing at facts, making them up, and his conspiracy theory horsecrap makes things bad… real bad. I’ve got a network of friends that are now helping me […]

Parking Jerk of the Day! (10/13/2014)

Planet Fitness is becoming Planet Parking Jerks.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (10/6/2014)

Let’s go over the state line to Rockingham County for today’s award winner.

RandomThoughts! (10/5/2014)

If you’re reading for the first time, a “RandomThoughts!” article is filled with Random Thoughts.


Thumbs! (10/3/2014)

Do you want my Thumbs? Do you? Do you?


BreakDown: Danville City Council Coal Ash Meeting

We’ve covered tonight’s Danville City Council closed session meeting in the previous article. Let’s do a BreakDown on it…


RandomThoughts! (9/30/2014)

The catchy opening line goes here. I’m out of catchy opening lines.


Thumbs! (9/29/2014)

Up. Down. Down. Up. Up. Up. Down. It’s Thumbs! time.


Say, That’s Odd: We get the idea. Sorta.

Spelling counts. So does penmanship.

Parking Jerk of the Day! (9/26/2014)

It’s late at night. It’s blurry. It’s Piggly Wiggly.

RandomThoughts! (9/25/2014)

The Thoughts. They are a-Random.


RandomThoughts! (9/23/2014)

I hadn’t realized it had been over two weeks since our last RandomThoughts! article. Let’s get busy.


Let’s talk about the Danville School Superintendent Search…

Let’s do an overview of what’s happened, what’s going to happen, and what’s not going to happen.


Thumbs! (9/18/2014)

Let’s get those Thumbs! working…


Parking Jerk of the Day! (9/17/2014)

You may also call this feature “Pictures of Poorly Parked Cars”.

We’re heading to Danville’s Dollar Tree. We can always find an award winner there.

Say, That’s Odd: One bizarre sign…

We’re getting back in the saddle (even with one busted-up leg).

So, it appears that the new Danville YMCA doesn’t have the support of everybody in the community…


Parking Jerk of the Day! (9/10/2014)

They teach Driver’s Education at Danville’s George Washington High School. Apparently, they don’t teach Parking Education.

Parking Jerk of the Night! (9/9/2014)

Danger lurks in the shadows of darkness. So do Parking Jerks.

Thumbs! (9/9/2014)

Thumbs! are powerful things.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (9/7/2014)

The sun is shining. It’s a beautiful day. I smell a Parking Jerk submission…

RandomThoughts! (9/6/2014)

My goodness. It’s been a very long time since we thought randomly. We’ll fix that now.

Oh yeah, apologies for being so late with today’s article flow. We’ve upgraded SouthsideCentral to the new WordPress 4.0 and it took a while to work out the bugs.
