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OddsMakers! (8/1/2014)

How about some predictions of the future? Of course, I never get any of them wrong.

Hey lookie! We’ve got a special guest in the SouthsideCentral studios today… it’s Lee Smallwood. He’s going to take a shot at the OddsMakers board. This will be interesting…


TROTS: Those Jefferson St. condemned apartments

Editor’s note: The Register & Bee has now disabled their comment section on the story I referenced in this article. Gee, wonder why?

Let’s do another “The Rest Of The Story” to get you more information than a Register & Bee story gives you. I’ve been working on this story for a few days but […]

SouthsideSeven: Herman Logan

He’s local. He’s talented. He’s a hell of a good guy. Herman Logan, have a seat in the SouthsideSeven chair. We want to know more about you.


QuickHits! (7/27/2014)

QuickHits! is a way for you to quickly check out some headlines that have caught my eye. Let’s get these Hits out of the way Quickly!


Thumbs! (7/26/2014)

Up! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down!


UPDATED: The Rest Of The Story – (7/23/2014)

Sometimes, the “local media” (or even the Register & Bee) won’t go in depth with details and fun facts about a story. That’s why I’m starting a new feature category, because I believe I’ll be noticing these incidents much more.


RandomThoughts! (7/20/2014)

I realized it had been a while since I had some thoughts. Random ones, that is.


SouthsideSeven: Ron Miller

One of the SouthsideRegion’s most creative minds is stepping into the SouthsideSeven spotlight. Today’s guest is renowned artist and writer Ron Miller!


BreakDown: Danville School Board (7/17/2014 Meeting)

We’re continuing our BreakDown analysis and comment article series after every Danville City Council & School Board meeting. Let’s take a look at what happened during Thursday’s School Board meeting.


BreakDown: Danville City Council (7/15/2014 Meeting)

We’ve started analyzing what happened (and other observations about things) at governmental meetings that we do LIVE! coverage on, so let’s look at what happened at Tuesday night’s Danville City Council meeting.


Thumbs! – The Reidsville Special Edition (7/12/2014)

I spent a great evening over in Rockingham County on Friday night, so it’s time for a Thumbs! article on what was good and bad about the experience.


RoadThoughts LIVE! (7/11/2014)

We’ve added some extra thoughts and cleaned the article up. It’s now complete.

I just heard you say “RoadThoughts LIVE!? What the heck is that?”

SouthsideCentral’s got business out of town today. You’re coming along with me for the road trip. It’s RandomThoughts!, only more Random than ever. Here’s how it will work. I’ll be […]

RandomThoughts! (7/10/2014)

Not all thoughts are Random ones. These are.


BreakDown: Tuesday’s Danville School Board Meeting

Let’s do a BreakDown of Tuesday night’s Danville School Board meeting. SouthsideCentral will be covering Danville’s school board meetings now and it was our first time doing it LIVE! – so let’s see what happens, what happened and our thoughts about why it happened.


RandomThoughts! (7/8/2014)

You have been warned. RandomThoughts are now here. Proceed with caution.


OddsMakers! (7/7/2014)

The chalkboard’s ready to go. Let’s make some predictions and you people forget about one of the last ones that I made, ok?


Thumbs! (7/6/2014)

Our Thumbs! were getting rusty, so we oiled them up and now they’re ready to go…


Introducing YouCentral!

On a beautiful Sunday like today, we decided to sit back and reflect on what our readers have done to make SouthsideCentral the go-to place for what you just couldn’t find in the regional media. YOU folks have increased our readership by over 70% and it’s time to give YOU a voice to have your […]

QuickHits! (7/5/2014)

Let’s take a look at some headlines that have caught my eye in the area…


RandomThoughts! (7/4/2014)

This is my mind. Walk inside, please…


SouthsideSeven: Debbie Sparks

It’s time for another SouthsideSeven. I’ve got six questions for our guest and the seventh one… well that’s special.

Debbie Sparks, come on down and be our guest for this SouthsideSeven.


SouthsideSeven: Lawrence Gaughan

We’re introducing a new SouthsideCentral feature today… SouthsideSeven. I’ll ask our guest six questions and they’ll answer them. The seventh question is all theirs. They can ask themselves anything that they want and if they’re stumped, they can always ask me one.

We’ll start big here with an exclusive interview with Lawrence Gaughan. He’s the […]

RandomThoughts! (6/27/2014)

Into my mind we go…


OddsMakers! (6/24/2014)

We’re bringing back SouthsideCentral’s version on a PTI classic. What are the chances of something happening and why?


RandomThoughts! (6/24/2014)

I’ve been lying to you. Some of those Thoughts can be slightly less than Random. Heh.
