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QuickHits! (6/23/2014)

QuickReading! QuickClicking. QuickArticle. QuickHits!


RandomThoughts! (6/22/2014)

It’s the weekend and not much is going on news-wise. That means we’re taking a trip into my mind! Again. Whee.


RandomThoughts! (6/21/2014)

With all these new SouthsideCentral readers, I’ve got to make these RandomThoughts be somewhat reasonable. Nah.


Let’s talk about the Ed Newsome situation…

Danville school superintendent Ed Newsome almost got fired last night. Nobody else will report it, but SouthsideCentral will. He somehow pulled himself out of the fire and the school took no action after 6 hours worth of meetings. Let’s talk about what happened…


Thumbs! (6/19/2014)

Our Thumbs! are becoming famous. Seriously.


RandomThoughts! (6/14/2014)

Let’s take a quick trip into my mind this Saturday, shall we?


RandomThoughts! (6/13/2014)

Friday morning! Weekend’s almost here! Lots of exclamation points! RandomThoughts!


Thumbs! (6/12/2014)

You give me the finger, I’ll give you the Thumbs!


RandomThoughts! (6/11/2014)

In a world where people have Thoughts, only a few do it in Random style… (That’s best read in a booming movie trailer type of voice)


ReportCard! – Elected School Boards

Some people look forward to getting their grades when the report cards come out. Others hope that the dog eats them.

In this new feature, we’ll take a category or group of things and grade the items on the standard A to F scale. I think the elected school boards in the regions that we […]

Let’s talk about the Albert Randolph situation…

So that happened. Halifax County High School Principal Albert Randolph has been reinstated to his position.

“Let’s talk” about what happened and let’s tell it like it is…


QuickHits! (6/9/2014)

QuickHits now, RandomThoughts later today!


RandomThoughts! (6/6/2014)

I’m not going to think about food. I’m not going to think about food. I’m not going to think about food.


Thumbs! (The Adam Tomer Special Edition)

It was pointed out to me last night by a citizen that I never have given Adam Tomer a Thumb! since we started this feature. Let’s make up for that today…


Thumbs! (6/3/2014)

Today’s “Thumbs!” article is worth everything that you paid for it…


QuickHits (6/3/2014)

It’s time for a quick look at some things happening around the SouthsideCentral region…


RandomThoughts! (6/2/2014)

It’s my mind and I’ll think whatever I want! I’ll do it randomly, too!


RandomThoughts! (6/1/2014)

Look out! I’m thinking randomly!


Thumbs! (5/29/2014)

I have Thumbs! They go UP! They go DOWN! Come look at my Thumbs! in this edition.


RandomThoughts! (5/28/2014)

I’m thinking it’s time for some more RandomThoughts. Walk slowly into my mind, please…


RandomThoughts! (5/26/2014)

I’ve been thinking of a few things…


UPDATED: QuickHits! (5/25/2014)

Here’s a quick rundown of some links and stories that caught our eye this Sunday morning…


Make sure your driver’s license is valid…

… when you’re running over your father. Wait, what? Say, That’s Odd.


RandomThoughts! (5/22/2014)

We’re debuting a quickie type of article today. If you remember Larry King’s column from USA Today, this feature will sort of be like that. And if you do remember that, then you’re old. Anything’s fair game. News, sports, weather, opinion, local, regional, world… it’s just a collection of RandomThoughts. Let’s get it started.


BreakDown: Danville School Board Election

We already did a BreakDown on the City Council election results, so let’s do an overview on how the School Board election came out.
