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Food Chain! – 5th District Candidates – Update #1

We did a Food Chain! on the candidates for the Republican 5th District nomination ten weeks ago, so it’s time for an update. This time, we’ll promise to get all seven candidates in there the first time. 😉


SouthsideSpotlight: Cheri’s Creations

Medical professionals are always looking for quality uniforms, well look no further.


Thumbs! (3/9 edition)

We’ve been slacking on our Thumbs! (that sounds painful, eh?) Let’s get a new edition underway.


ThreadSpotting QuickHits! (3/8)

It’s two, two features in one! We always thank our readers for the HalifaxTalk ThreadSpotting submissions, so let’s knock a few of them out quickly. You got your ThreadSpotting in my QuickHits!


SouthsideSpotlight: An Introduction

First, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for reading this feature on SouthsideCentral Blog. Also, a sincere thank you goes out to Mr. Southside himself for allowing me to write this introduction and inaugural article. It truly is an honor to be trusted with this responsibility.


ThreadSpotting QuickHits!

So many submissions for ThreadSpotting, so little time. Actually, we’ve got the time… it’s just that we need to knock a bunch of mockable HalifaxTalk threads at one time to get them out of the way for the few people who like this feature. Let’s play ThreadSpotting QuickHits!


Thumbs! (2/13 edition)

It’s time to use our Thumbs!


TYOB!: Reading “The A-Line” by Jim Alderson

Want some humor with your Virginia Tech (and other colleges, as well) sports commentary? We’ve got a “Thing You Oughta Be” for you… You oughta be reading “The A-Line” written by Danville’s own Jim Alderson.


UPDATED: Food Chain! – 5th District Candidates

We made it six days without a political article, so let’s get everybody upset at us with our first “Food Chain!” that ranks the candidates for Virginia’s Republican nomination for the 5th district.


Thumbs! (1/27 edition)

We’ve got Thumbs! and we’re not afraid to use them!


QuickHits! (1/23)

How about some quickies? Yay!


“Who’s #1?” – Defunct Movie Theaters

Back-to-back New SouthsideCentral features… it’s your lucky day! This article kicks off the “Who’s #1?” series where we’ll countdown (countup?) things that fit a topic. If you’ve got any ideas for some “Who’s #1?”, let us know.

Today, we’re going to tell you “Who’s #1?” in the category of “Defunct Movie Theaters”. They were great […]

TYOB!: Calling Graham Cinema

Yep, it’s time to debut yet another new occasional feature on SouthsideCentral. TYOB! stands for “Things You Oughta Be”… quite simply, it’s “things you oughta be doing”. (We’re awaiting the Grammar Nazis on this phrasing). When we find something we like, we’ll tell you about it using a TYOB. It could be a website, a […]

Thumbs! (1/11 edition)

Let’s get some “Thumbs” moving in this edition!


QuickHits! (1/1)

We’re rolling out another occasional feature here at SouthsideCentral… QuickHits! When we’ve got a bunch of stuff to write about but not much to write on the topics, you’ll get Quick Hits on the topics. They may even be funny, with “may” being the operative word. That being said, let’s get some QuickHits! for January […]

Food Chain! – Southside BBQ Restaurants

Let’s kick off another (shamelessly borrowed from PTI) new feature at SouthsideCentral. “Food Chain” is where we rank things on a Big Board. The best rise to the top of the Food Chain while the rest are ranked lower. It doesn’t have to be about food, but this first one will definitely be about food… […]

Thumbs! (12/26 edition)

Where are the “Thumbs!” going in this edition? Let’s see if they’re flying up or down…


Thumbs! (12/16 edition)

It’s time to debut a new occasional feature at SouthsideCentral…. “Thumbs!” We’ll look at things that have happened recently and give a “Thumbs UP!” or a “Thumbs DOWN!“. Let’s get started with today’s edition of “Thumbs!”


Time Machine: My adventure at subverting the political process

Let’s hop in the Time Machine and head back to the 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary. I had a little fun with it.


Time Machine: 2003 Halifax County Elections

I’m thanking Fred for the motivation to go back in time today and look at the 2003 election cycle in Halifax County. So what happened back in 2003?
