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RandomThoughts! (5/26/16)

I’ve got Thoughts. They are Random. That’s why we call this article RandomThoughts!


BreakDown: Danville’s General Fund (5/25/16)

Despite what you hear from some people, the City of Danville isn’t broke nor is it in bad financial shape. It’s quite the opposite. In this article, we’ll take a look at the city’s general fund and analyze what it really means.

We call this a BreakDown.


Thumbs! (5/24/16)

Without Thumbs!, we’d be thumbless. That’s not good.


Is This Anything? (5/23/16)

Sometimes, you have to look at a news story or happening and wonder think “Is This Anything?” Does the story or happening really have any significance or is it really nothing in the end?

David Letterman used to play this game once a week on the “Late Show”, but he’s gone now. We’re glad to […]

QuickHits! (5/23/16)

It’s been a few weeks since our last QuickHits look at some of the stories that have caught our eye. Let’s fix that now.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (5/22/16)

My mother always pronounced it “EYE-talian” and that was quite irritating to the ears. Anyway, there’s an Italian flavor in today’s Parking Jerk of the Day.


Ask SouthsideCentral! – A Danville Curfew Question

One of our readers had a question about Danville’s curfew ordinance, so SouthsideCentral went to the top of the food chain to get some answers. That’s what happens when you Ask SouthsideCentral!


Ask SouthsideCentral! – The “Marines” Red Truck

If you want to know the answer to a question about the Southside region, all you have to is Ask SouthsideCentral!

Today, we have a question about a big red truck and trailer with “Marines” print on it.


OddsMakers! (5/16/16)

It’s been around three months since our last OddsMakers! attempt. One day, we may go back at see how badly great that we did on our predictions. One day. Maybe. Possibly.

Anyway, our crack team of SouthsideCentral writers (not to be confused with the SouthsideCentral writers on crack) have pulled the OddsMakers! chalkboard out of […]

Parking Jerk of the Day! (5/12/16)

We’ve got more Parking Jerks of the Day than we can use right now, but don’t let that stop you from sending them in. We’ll get to as many as possible!

Today, it looks like we’re heading out to the east side of Danville. The judges are ready.


BreakDown: The “EcomNets” Indictment

Earlier, we published the 27-page federal indictment against the owner of EcomNets and other of his business associates. Now let’s take a comprehensive look at what it means.

We call this a BreakDown.


Thumbs! (5/9/16)

Regular humans have opposable thumbs. SouthsideCentral has amazing Thumbs!


NumbersCentral: Who Placed What & Where?

In the May 3rd Danville City Council election, there were 18 different precincts reporting in to make the final vote total. In this NumbersCentral analysis of the results, we’re going to see who did what and where they did it. (That’s probably horrible grammar, but so be it.)


BreakDown: The Danville/Duke Energy Settlement

We’ve got our copy of the official Danville/Duke Energy settlement agreement for the coal ash spill. Let’s look at it and then do a comprehensive look at what’s in it.

Let’s do a BreakDown.


RandomThoughts: After The Election

We’ve got a lot of SouthsideCentral articles coming up that will go in-depth on what happened in the 2016 Danville City Council election, but let’s get started with a quick bunch of RandomThoughts on election things. Oh yeah, before we get started…


Anyway, on we go!


QuickHits! (5/1/16)

It’s been a few weeks, so let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eyes over the last few weeks. Sunday is QuickHits day!


RandomThoughts: The City Council Election Edition

When I started writing this article, there were 72 hours left until the polls close in the 2016 Danville City Council election. It’s been one of the most bizarre elections that I’ve ever covered, so it’s time to think randomly about what’s happened, what’s happening now and what will happen. Let’s get started!


BreakDown: Danville City Council Campaign Funding (UPDATED)

Running a political campaign can be expensive, even at the local governmental level. So where is all of the major money coming from for this year’s Danville City Council election? SouthsideCentral has the answers after a lot of research. Let’s do a detailed look at each candidate’s contributions, starting with the incumbents and moving to […]

Parking Jerk of the Day! (4/26/16)

If SouthsideCentral was a scourge of the internet clickbait site, our teaser line would be…


…but we’d never do that to our readers. Heh.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (4/25/16)

It’s the last full week of campaigning for Danville City Council elections, so let’s take a breather from that action. Let’s point & laugh at a Parking Jerk of the Day!


SouthsideRoundup! (4/24/16)

The SouthsideCentral brand isn’t just this website. It’s also our SouthsideCentral Facebook page, our Twitter account and our Instagram account. We also dabble with Tumblr & Flickr at times, and you can always find me on my own personal Facebook page.

This website is designed more for long-form articles and photo articles, so I strongly […]

Thumbs! (4/22/16)

Everybody has Thumbs!, but not everybody uses them properly. SouthsideCentral knows how to use our Thumbs!


BreakDown: Danville’s Coal Ash Settlement

At a special work session before Tuesday night’s Danville City Council business meeting, council agreed to a $2.4 million settlement with Duke Energy for the February 2014 coal ash spill. Let’s look into the details that have and haven’t been talked about. Let’s look at what really happened on Tuesday.

Let’s do a BreakDown.


QuickHits! (4/10/16)

It’s Sunday! Or it’s Monday when you read this. That means it’s QuickHits day. Let’s take a look at some of the stories that have caught my eye over the past two weeks.


Parking Jerk of the Day! (4/1/16)

I didn’t need your submissions for Parking Jerk of the Day this time. I’ve busted this Parking Jerk all by myself.
